Dracos child

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Fred and George.Our two favorite Weasley twins were currently working on a potion.Not just any old potion though.A Weasley twins original.The hoped end result that the consumer of the potion would turn into a child and forget everything  they know except the few years before the choosen age.Meant of a prank,and who better to try it out then the boy who lived right?

Exactly they thought so too!Exepct the fact that said boy didn't trust our dear friends and tried to run even without them saying what the potion did.

So here they were a poor Harry Potter tied to a chair while they worked awaiting his fate of the result of a mysterious potion.Oh the scary fate he was in for.Or at least that's what he thought.

"Now Harry don't be scared mate..."Fred started.

"...This potion will either work or have no effect." George continued  as he pulled a vial and poured the pinkish potion into it.

"Not the most a suring information mates" Harry replied as he stared at the vial.

The twins just shared a look the smiled at him coming closer to the tied up teen.

"Now open wide Harry..."

"........or we'll force your mouth open with a spell." The twins said in unison.

"No! No! No!" Harry exclaimed as he struggled against the ropes.

"Oh do hold still Harry."Fred said as he and George advanced on the helpless raven."now open up" he says as he and George  finally come to a stop in front of him and takes hold of his face by his cheeks.

Harry only persued his lips more to keep the vial with the pinkish liquid away from  his mouth.

"He's acting like a 4 year old George."

"Fine we'll have to force his mouth open."

With that George pointed his wand at Harry and muttered a spell.Within moments Harry's jaw was forced open and the potion was poured down his throat.

"Gaaah!"the raven sputtered and gagged as it made its way down.

The twins watched intently for signs of change. Every so slowly they noticed he was shrinking.The ropes holding him became lose and limp around his waist as they slipped down his body.

The robes he wore grew to big for the shrinking body and hung losely on his shoulders but were slipping farther and farther down with the passing moments.The big rimmed glasses started slipping from his small  nose.

His shoes became 3 sizes to big and barely held on by the top of his feet.

All in all when the change was down they were staring down at a three year old Harry.Who in turn stared back up at them a puddle of robes and ropes layer at his waste.

"It worked."

"Blimey,look at that."

As they noted their handy work the small boy stared on in mild curiosity.The thought crossing his mind that they were real big and scary.

Harry slowly got up and the robes and ropes slipped to the floor around his ankles including his boxers causing the young child to stand there exposed. It didn't seem to matter in the smile child's mind at the moment though at the moment it was to get away from the giant people standing above him.

With a whimper he ran out of the room and Gryffindor common room and down the stairs.

Little Harry ran down the Stone stairs which where cold and hurt his feet as fast as his little legs could carry him giving out and almost causing him to fall down

the steps when the stair cases MOVED. By the time he got to the bottom,which was a large room,he was sure he had new bruises on his bottom which was not caused by his uncles belt or whatever he decided to use.

This place was large and very scary.He didn't like it.He wished someone even if they didn't like him would appear just so he wasn't alone.The sound of footsteps startled him and he ran for something to hide behind but the only thing his little mind could the think of was the bar holding up the rail on the one staircase that did not move.

He peaked around the bar (or was it a ban-ster?maybe he'd figure it out later)and saw a tall blond boy with two other mean looking boys and what scared him most was the blond haired boy walked just like his cousin(he walked around like the king at home).Maybe he was one of his friends.He quickly re-hid if he was he didn't wanna be seen like this cause then he'd tell his cousin and then his cousin would tell his aunt and he'd go in the cupboard with no food for weeks and he didn't want that.

He jumped as he felt a hand grab hold of his arm.He flailed around to loosen the grip on his arm but the hold wouldn't loosen even a bit.Then he was roughly pulled out of his hiding place into the open landing on the cold stone floor. 

He didn't look up,he didn't want to,he was scared.

"Crabbe you bafoon that's not how you handle little kids that's to rough!"one of the boys yelled at the boy who pulled him out,Crabbe (or that's who he thought) huffed and steped away.
Then the sound of someone coming closer was heard and a deep silky voice was heard.

"What is going on here?" the voice asked.(Author:Geee Snape :3)

"Professor Snape we found this kid."the voice who yelled said."So what do we do with him?"

The boy froze.What would they do if they send him back  his aunt and uncle would now he left the house without being told to.Out of fear the young child scrambled to the closest person he could get to.Grabbing hold of the persons weird clothes he hide his face in them.

Bewildered the person hesitated  then ever so slowly reached down and pick the boy,who flinched when his hands made contact with his sides, upand placed him on his hip ignoring the achingly obvious fact of the lack of clothes.The ravened haired child clung to his clothes holding as tight as he could and the arms tightened around him.Chancing a glance at the person who had a hold of him to see the blond boys face.

He snuggled closer to the boy though and tried not to show how scared to go back he was because showing it would lead to question and the questions would be answered by lies then that would lead toworse punishment.The blond didn't mind though and after a auick order from Snape telling him to follow him they were on their way to dumbledore's tower the child faintly curious of the pictures on the walls.

As the group made their way to the tower the little raven slowly fell asleep after many attempts to try and reach out to touch one of the pictures almost causing him to fall. As they made it to the statue that led to the headmasters office Snape whispered the password.The statue shifted and raised revealing the staircase to dumbledores office.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2016 ⏰

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