The Green String

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There is a piece of green string on the floor. When I see it, I can't believe my eyes. How can it be here? I am supposed to be safe. I just stare at the string. People walking through the halls stop to stare at me. I try to move and pick up the string but my body isn't working.

I stand there for a few more minutes. I finally get my body to work. I slowly turn around. I have to relocate. I am running out of places. Then, I see him. He is here.

"Miss me?"

He has a strange way of talking. He puts emphasis on some random words and shouts others. He is a total nut case. I have spent my life in hiding. It has been twenty-two years since he came into my house to find me, but since he found me again, I will never be safe. He will be hunting me down twenty-four seven. Even if I escape him, he will still hunt me.

"Miss you? Why would I? I have been living in hiding for twenty-two years. Why would I start to miss you now?"

"Although, I have loved this, it's time you come with me. This little game of ours, it's come to an end."

I turn away from him and I run down the hall, out the back door and down the block. I never look back in fear of what might be there. I run and run.

After about an hour, I decide to hitchhike. I need to get out A.S.A.P. I stand on the side of the road with my thumb raised. People just speed by me. Hitchhiking is illegal, but I have no other choice. One particular car throws a smoothie out the window at me. I splatters all over my shirt. I try my best to get it off, but it is no use.

A big truck comes barreling down the road. I don't know if the driver pitied me or was just a pervert, but I needed a ride. When I got in the car, the man explains why he picked me up. It was that he had hitchhiked because he was running away from someone and he didn't want anyone else to be hurt. Within minutes, I am on my way to Tennessee.

When we get to Tennessee, I ask the driver to let me off at a gas station. He quickly agrees. He wishes me luck as I hop out of the car. I keep on running. While I am running, I hear a loud bang coming from a nearby alley way. I duck into the alley.

I turn the corner and freeze. He is here. He found me.

He just stands there eyeing me with those piercing blue eyes. The rest of his face is hidden with a ski mask, even though it is eighty degrees out. He doesn't say a word, only studies me.

He always told me he would find me.

Now he has. I know he wants me, but I can't go with him. He knows I can't. I don't know why he doesn't just kidnap me. It would be easier for him. If our roles were switched, I would just ambush and kidnap him. He is still just standing there. That is more unnerving than him coming at me.

Nothing is said, yet we both know what the other is thinking. He wants me. He is begging me to go with him, even though he knows I won't go.

"You know I can't go with you. I will always run. You might as well give up."

"GIVE up! Ha! No You NEED to come With me. NOW!"

I turn to run again, but something hits me in my lower thigh. I crumple to the ground and scream. I should have expected this. He isn't going to let me go again. I ly there in agony waiting for him to come get me. His face appears in front of me and I try to scream, but the darkness is surrounding me. Am I dying? Is this where I die? I can't go like this. I have so much more to live for. I haven't gotten a job; I haven't gotten married; I haven't even tried a Cocona.

I struggle to stand up, but I can't. His face is staring down at me in a crooked smile. I try to stand again, but, yet again I fail. This isn't worth it. My body goes limp as the darkness consumes me.


I wake up on a cold table. I try to stand up, but I am restrained. The bonds hold me to the table and no matter how much I try, I can't break them. I hear voices in the halls and I start yelling. People in pressed white uniforms rush in. They all gather around me and the table. They just stare at me for a few minutes. Then they all break apart and run around the room. They are all doing something different. One doctor presses a button and speaks into the microphone.


I look at him and see that his uniform is unlike the rest. He had a white uniform, like the rest, but it has green threading. He continues yelling into the microphone. 

I still can't figure out who he is talking about. When more doctors and nurses rush in, I remember who I am. I am Patient A12. I am dangerous.  


So this short story is going into a contest. I MIGHT GET IT PUBLISHED!! It is due tomorrow, but we won't get the results until April! It' s annoying, but I will let y'all know how it went as soon as I hear. Thanks for reading!!!

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