Let Me Love You Until You Learn To Love Yourself (Glee version)

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Have you ever had a freind that thinks of you as their best frined, but you think of them as more than that? You tell them that you love them and they see it as loving your best friend.

That is me and my friend Marley. She tells me everything and I do the same. I feel so comfortable with her. We FaceTime for hours on end.

She is so beautiful inside and out, but she doesn't see it at all. She is so full of self hate; It kills me.

She has been in so many abusive and unhealthy relationships that she has started to blame herself for them. None of them are even remotely her fault.

I wish there was a way that I could show her that I love her and she is perfect. I know for a fact that i would never hurt her.

She tells me 'Any Girl would be lucky to have you'. It breaks my heart because even though any girl would, I only want her.

It sounds cheasy, I know, but its how i feel.

One day, I was so caught up in my feels that I wrote this for her and I sent it.

Hey.. So I love you. not like a best friend. I love you like more than a friend. You mean the world to me.

I Love you because of several reasons . Even if you thought i wouldn't like you because of "all the things you have told me" you are very wrong. You trusted me enough that you chanced me telling people and turning my back on you after "what you said." I had never had someone who actually trusted me the way that you do. In the same way you are the only person that I have ever been able to talk to about anything that I wanted. It is almost or is easier to talk to you about things than it is to talk to my mom/sister/dad/anyone else who I know.

You have always been there through all of the things that I have come to you about and you have never just acted like everything was fine you actually tried to help with what was going on and be there to comfort me when things got really bad. You are not someone who listens to someone talk about something that they are going through and then just goes on and says "i am so sorry for everything you are going through" You have been with me through everything that has ever happened.

Also you are really nice. Even if you think you aren't which i don't think you do you are. You try to talk to everyone just like You talk to Josie at school. You don't just leave people there  by themselves (unless you have a very good reason which you do for some people).

You also make me laugh even if it something isn't that funny. You put happiness into my life because even if you think you are "messed up" you seem perfect to me. You just are kind and always nice and i don't know how to actually explain it.

the happiest times in my life at this point are just when i am able to talk to you and be around you because it makes me feel like i have nothing to worry about in a way. this is getting really long now..... Ok next point.

SOOOOOOOO i also find it fun to mess around with you like throwing rocks or just messing around with other things. You don't get offeneded or mad easily .

You just seem to be as close to perfect as you can get for me.

I have had these thoughts for awhile now just haven't said them to anyone because I was too scared too.

Also don't forget that you are very pretty. Even if this doesn't change anything between us, I just think you should know this.

You are perfect to me. I can not stand seeing you get hurt anymore.

Let me love you and I will help you love yourself.

I s

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2018 ⏰

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