Cleaning Up

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Still in a daze, I sat there for what felt like several hours, but were of course only a few spaced-out spent minutes staring obscurely at the ground. A cold breeze blew across my exposed skin, and shaking myself in to focus I take in my current situation:

1. I'm almost naked.

2. I'm at school, where there is a lot of people around.

3. I am exhausted and freezing. 

These I determine to be biggest factors. I painfully stretch my arms out to pull my pants off to get rid of my soaking wet boxers. After freeing my boxers from around my ankles I toss them away to some unknown corner, I try to put my pants back on as gentily as possible. With my pants firmly in place around my waist, fully buttoned and zipped up, I face my next challenge. 

Wincing in pain I reach for my forgotten shirt on, pulling it over my head, and wincing as it rubbed against my sore, oversensitized red lips. I then gently pick up Liam's black leather jacket, and struggle for a few minutes to warp it around my cold self. A nice, vanilla smell invaded my nose as soon as the jacket was on, and I couldn't help but enjoy scent.

Now comes the hard part, I think, grimacing at the task that seemed so easy this morning. I've got to stand up. I pull my knees up, and place my left hand on the wall to pull myself up. The straining in my leg almost becomes to much, the weakness in my knees draining my strength. Managing to become fully up-right, the straightness in my legs helping to support my knees, I can feel Liam's spunk running down my thighs.  

I can't go to back to class with some random guy's spunk leaking out of my bum. I take a few breaths, still trying to clear my head from the cloudy, albeit euphoric, daze that still clogged my thoughts. 

All I could feel was confusion; I have no idea what time it is, whether lunch is over or not, and I don't know what fully happened. I mean I was I clearly just had sex, and for the first time too, but I don't know exactly what happened to cause me to have sex.

I finally decided to just walk home, as the other option of returning to school was no going to happen. I avoid walking back around to the front of the school, and instead just start off across the lawn of the school. The grass is still green, but soon it will either be buried under snow or will eventually begin to yellow and die.

After straggling onto the side walk, I focus on keeping my feet moving. Left, then right, and then left again, come on you do this everyday, Niall.

My legs still felt rubbery, and I did fall down a few times before reaching an empty street with houses lining each side. I looked around, realizing I was lost too caught up in my thoughts to realize. And then I fell again. 

After the 6th time I fell, I had just managed to stop my face from slamming into ground with my hands for the second time, and just sat back on my knees. In a kneeling position I finally fell completely apart. Tears slowly dripped from my eyes at first, but soon they were pouring down while sobs racked my chest, shaking me to the core. I was consumed with self pity, and just rocked back and forth hugging myself. I don't understand, what is wrong with me. Sure I'm upset, but I've got to get myself up. I have to get it to-.

"Hey, you okay there?" A deep, slow voice shouted out. I quickly wiped my hands across my eyes trying to dry them, but I knew they'd be red and puffy regardless.

I looked behind me and watched as a curly hair fellow a few metres away walking up to me. As soon as he saw my face, he paused for moment, his green eyes widening until he continued on towards me.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" He whispered gentily, kneeling down beside me.

"I just... I don't know..." I whimpered, trying to hold sniffles back. "I just don't know what came over me."

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