Chapter 18: Sunset and Sabotage

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Hey sorry to all my readers out there for not updating in so long. with the holidays and finals everything had been kinda crazy lately also I've been having some writers block but now I give you the next chapter! Hope you enjoy it!


Chapter 18: Sunsets and Sabotage

As Henry and I walked along the shore of the lake it seemed as though there was no drama or complications when I was around him.

A simple thing as lacing his finger through mine gave me butterflies in my stomach(however cliche that may sound) and left tingles throughout my whole body like sparks of electricity running from my head to my toes.

We soon came to a stop and sat down on the pier, while he then put one arm around my shoulders and the other holding my hand. He pulled me in close while I inhaled his scent of peppermint and cotton.

My face was surely blazing a bright pink by now just from his touch, and I'm usually not one to blush easily around people.

Henry then looked down at me with a smirk in his face.

"You know you look so cute when you blush?" he stated.

After he said this it only made me blush more. Darn him for being possibly the best person in the world and making me this way.

He noticed and my blush deepened which only made him chuckle more.

"I'm glad I am so amusing to you" I teased.

"You surprise me, but in a good way. My life isn't boring when I'm with you and you make me crazy just looking at you." he smiled.

Oh my gosh if only he knew what he did to me, as he turned my insides into goop and made my heart melt. (even if it may sound corny)

"I think you might be the sweetest, nicest, cutest, most intelligent guy I know and I don't even know what I did to deserve you." I replied.

With that he leaned in near me where we were barely centimeters apart, and he kissed me, a soft sensation on my lips, and I felt like I was on cloud nine.

We broke apart as we watched as the sun begin to set over the lake and I wished I could remain frozen in this perfect moment forever.

But the pressing matter of a certain annoyance crossed my mind sadly.

I turned to Henry and as if he read my mind he said, "we need to figure out how we are gonna deal with Logan." he said with an edge in his voice.

I could tell he didn't like talking about him let alone starting to see him at camp everyday, I had no idea what Logan's problem was? I mean he couldn't just leave me and Henry alone and be happy?! No, he just had to come messing up our lives or trying to anyways, I don't even know why he likes me? And he being a jerk and trying to start fights doesn't help either.

Just then I had a lightbulb moment in my head.

"Hey Isabelle? You ok, you kinda zoned out for a minute making these weird faces?" Henry asked me.

I looked at him with clear excitement on my face.

"I have an idea that might just solve our problem with Logan!" I stated.

Henry looked at me happy then confused, "Wait, how can we get him out of the camp? The head counselor of the camp said he had to accept him unless he had a criminal record or caused too much unruly confrontation or harassment to other campers. And I doubt he will try anything when they are around let alone get caught with any evidence." he concluded

"Besides it's not like we can just go up and ask him to leave nicely," he added.

I gave him mischievous grin, "Not to worry I think I have a plan that can solve our problem, now here's what we have to do......"


Henry and I spent the rest of the night going over the plan it was absolutely perfect and most likely 100% full proof!

I turned to him and asked, "ok are you ready?"

"Yeah, let's get started," he said with a grin.


Hey everyone! sorry again for taking forever with my updates I'm trying here! I hope you like my new chapter. don't forget to comment, vote, follow me, and send me ideas on what you think the plan to get rid of Logan might be. :p thanks again for reading my stories and please please please comment! I need feedback on how the story is going so far! I need a few ideas before I start the next chapter but other than that thanks for reading!

- oh also please don't hat me but I might be ending the story soon. don't worry though there will still be a few more chapters and the ending will be good but I can't give anything else away! let me know if you have any ides you want to share! :)

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