Chp.3:A Fatal Injury

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(Edds Pov)

I heard Tom run downstairs."Woah,what the hell happened Tom." I asked.

"Tord happened."Tom said to me out of breath. "Your arm. Matt get the medical kit!!" Matt rushed in with medical supplies,I disinfect the wound causing Tom to wince in pain. Matt wraps his arm as we hear Tord coming down the stairs."Faen Faen Faen."(Faen is Fuck in Norwegian)

(Tords Pov)

I ran down the stairs to see Matt and Edd tending to Toms wounds."Tom are you ok?" I ask, Tom stands up and looks down at me."Fuck off Tord." Tom says as he leaves the house."Tom wait!!" I yell to him. "What happened Tord?" Edd asked. "No time to explain" I yelled as I ran outside. I knew I had fatally injured our relationship.

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