Chapter 6 - Breaking Down

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WAYYYY WAYYYYYYY WAAAAAAAYYYYY over due, but sup little Yoshi Eggs! I know, it's short, but hey! It's a chapter!

ANYWAYS, I hope you like and have a wonderful life!!!


Seto's POV

"I-I... honestly," I muttered, utterly confused. "Am just curious about the whole... e-eye. T-t-thing- Uh, situation?" Wow, so smooth, Seto, so smooth.

"Oh, uh, yeah," Sky's smile fell a bit, and he somehow grew a solemn look in his shining eyes. "The war did this." An awkward pause between the two of us demanded to be noticed as I stood there and Sky sat there. My eyes were focused on anything but him as they skittered around the dank cave, never seeming to want to rest on a single one of the sharpened rocks or torn cloths that littered the area.

"It's fine, you know," The calmness of his voice and the sudden action of Sky laying down, eyes closed arms and legs spread out as if to make a snow angel amongst the ruble, startled me into jumping as my eyes shot as fast as bullets towards his relaxed form. "My eyes, I mean. I don't really care anymore now that I know you didn't run away screaming in terror to your King yet, so I suppose that's a good thing..."

The brunette heaved a giant sigh as he forced himself to sit back up once again. "My parents are dead," My mouth gaped at Sky, opening and shutting resembling a fish, at the way he so casually dropped a bombshell of info -- no matter how small it way seem -- onto me. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry!" Sky started panicking, his eyes glowing brighter by the second. "I don't know why I said that, it was stupid and I guess that I-I just couldn't h-hold it anymore? Honestly no one's asked how I feel a-about this whole thing and I just-." At this point, Sky is practically full on sobbing and I'm as still as a statue and as confused as Dory.

When I finally com to my senses I mumble under my breath, "Oh, Sky..." I hurry and bring myself down to the dirt and stone infested ground, kneeling on one knee while the other one is up. (Dragon Note: Soccer players do this pose when a player one either team gets injured) I wrapped my arms around Sky's shoulder's and, as the cave got darker no longer illuminated by Sky's eye's, I held the man child there in that position together until we both eventually fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2017 ⏰

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