Fuck Seven...or Eight.

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Sit down and grab some popcorn cuz you're in for a story.

      Yesterday in band, my friend Shelby (TrumpetsandDragons) who plays trumpet and tuba) was showing me how to play Batman's theme, y'know, nana-nana-nana-nana-nana-nana-batman!! So, I kept messing up, every time I did I said "fuck!" but Shelby told me, "don't say fuck, say seven." and so we had the stupidest conversation where fuck was seven and seven was fuck. Seventeen was equivalent to "fuck it"and you'd count like this; one, two, three, four, five, six, fuck, eight, nine.  

See what I mean, funny shit, right?

   The two of us were laughing so hard we couldn't even say "seven"!

"damn, this is a lot shorter than I thought it would be.....seven."

So the day Shelby came up with the whole "fuck is seven" thing was December 8th. On the 9th, we (mostly me) thought that Eight would be a more appropriate number (meaning it was even less appropriate.) If fuck is eight, two amazing things would be true.

1. we would have come up with it on December fucketh.

2.the answer to the question "why was six afraid of seven?" would be "Because seven fuck nine!" 

Hopefully, I'll have more ideas and chapters will be longer and more entertaining.

until next time, BYE!

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