who it was

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Yugo went, well, a little too fast, some people say it's impossible to ever go too  quick. well, is it impossible to want to slow down your pace when your about to crash into your brother? "YUGO! SLOW DOWN! WERE GOING TO CRASH!" Adamai shouted in panic. Too late. Yugo crashed into Adamai, both now falling to the ground. BANG!!!! Dirt flew in every corner, as the two reached the ground. There the brothers lay, in a hole in the ground, the dragon on top and the eliatrope on the bottom.

Adamai and Yugo both painfully got off one another, and climbed out of the hole. Adamai looked angrily at Yugo and scolded, "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!" but before he could shout at him anymore, he realized, Yugo wasn't listening. Yugo was just silently staring at the ground, shivering, wings drooping. "Yugo? are you ok? Yugo?" Adamai called, "YUGO! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" Yugo blinked as Adamai shouted, snapping out of his minor trance. "Adamai! you can stop! i can hear you!" Yugo responded before Adamai could shout anymore.

"what happened?" Adamai questioned. "well...." Yugo hesitated, "i found it and..." "and?" Yugo sighed, "someone was already looking for it..." Adamai looked puzzled, "so why didn't you tell them where it was?". Yugo went silent, until, "It was Amalia..." Adamai nodded in understanding, "ahh..... i get it now... but you know, your going to have to show her sometime." Yugo stared at the ground with downward emotions, "i know, but i'm too scared, i'm not sure how i'll get myself to do it."

"What, do you mean? admitting to having a crush on her?" Adamai laughed. The end of Yugo's wings suddenly moved downwards enough to be slightly touching his cheeks.

Yugo looked at Adamai with a disappointment expression on his face, until he started to walk away, while Adamai was still laughing. the fire breather realized his brother was walking off, and shouted between laughs, "Come on Yugo! come back!". Yugo turned around, his expression showed he was on the verge of crying. "is... is that what you think? that this is... just all a big joke?" "what?" Adamai said puzzled.

"do... do you think it's easy? easy for me to have my biggest and most safely kept secret uncovered for a week?" "well, no i-" "do you think it's easy to introduce all my friends, all of which could judge me, to something i'd least want to reveal to them? WOULD YOU IT'S IT'S EASY FOR ME TO WALK AROUND WORRIED TO DEATH ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE WOULD THINK?!" Yugo gotten to the point of breaking down into tears, he took one more look at Adamai, and took off to the skies once again turning into a blue beam of light.

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