Chapter 6

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Snow went to sleep that night unable to stop thinking about the Prince, about Andy.
She was unable to sleep and just kept replaying there conversations in her head. She missed him.

The next day Snow was up earlier than normal to get ready for school. She wanted to look her best to see him. Snow was never more excited for school in her life. She had already decided the first thing she would do when she got to school was find Belle and tell her everything and then go find Andy.
She wore a blue top with a yellow skirt and tied a red ribbon in her short dark hair.
She was ready so early that she decided to walk to school rather than be dropped off. She sung as she walked along and the birds would often whistle back in response to her beautiful voice.

She arrived at school the same time she would of if she was dropped off. Snow made her way and side to find Belle.

Belle saw Snow skipping fast down the hall in her direction,
"You're looking very cheerful today Snow, anything to do with you're 'catch up' with the Prince?".
"Oh my gosh yes! You won't believe it, he is so nice and kind and thoughtful and... just everything!"
"I told you so", Belle said with her hand on her hip.
Snow told Belle about everything, then remembered and paused "you're not upset with me are you Belle? I know that you did kind of like him.
"Oh no sweetie, I never really had a chance. You go for it girl!" Belle replied enthusiastically.
"Ok good, but if it does start to bother you, you'll tell me right?"
"Yeah of course".
"You promise?" Snow said holding up her pinky.
Belle wrapped her pinky around and replied "I promise".
Belle and Snow headed to class together and when recess came Snow couldn't wait to see Andy.

The two girls walked excitedly together to Andy's locker, however when they got there, he wasn't. They continued to walk all around the school but had no luck finding him. Snow's excitement started to decrease and she began to feel stupid. "Of course he wouldn't come today", she said softly to herself.
Belle heard what Snow said and noticed her mood change, "hey Snow it's probably nothing, he's probably sick or something."
"Yeah but he said he would be here, I was so excited."
"I'm sure he had a good reason, like you said before he's a nice guy."
"Maybe I was wrong, maybe I miss judged him."
"Snow I think you're reading to much into this. I'm sure he has a good reason for not being here today, and I'm sure it had nothing to do with him wanting to avoid you."
"Yeah I'm sure you're right", Snow said feeling down but trying to be positive.

When lunch came Belle walked with Snow to the shops to try and keep her mind off the Prince, but it only worked for a bit.

It was the end of a Friday and time for everyone to go home for the weekend.
Belle told Snow to just not think about the Prince and instead do some fun things and Snow did try to take her advice but it just wasn't working.

That night at the dinner table, the dwarves noticed something was up. Snow had barely said a word or touched her food.
"What's wrong Snow? You don't seem your normal self today, what's happened? Doc asked curiously.
"Oh nothing really".
"Come on Snow, we know when something is bothering you", Doc replied.
"Well, it's this boy."
"Let me guess the same one you went out with for coffee yesterday. The one with the fancy sports car who also happened to be the same guy that kissed you the other week?" Grumpy asked.
"Yeah that's him".
"What did he do this time? Do I need to give someone a talking to", Happy replied with a little smile on his face.
"No, it's probably nothing, Belle just thinks I'm over reacting. It's just that he didn't come to school today and he said he would."
"Have you tried calling him?" Sneezy asked.
"I don't have his number."
"Well maybe just wait until Monday and if he goes to school ask him where he was. I wouldn't worry about it to much." Doc replied trying to comfort Snow.
"Yeah your right. Any way better clean up and get to bed."
"Ok Snow", Doc replied.

Snow stood up from the table and took all the plates to the sink.
"Goodnight everyone".
"Goodnight Snow", they all replied together.

Snow went to her room and got changed into her pyjamas and spent the rest of the weekend doing her best to follow everyone's advice.

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