England x Reader x 2p England : Bad Apple

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"Now darling, we've been through this. There's no way you can defy your fate." A Cheshire grin spreads across an unnaturally bright golden haired man's face as he stares down at a girl who was on the floor, grasping her own throat in agonizing pain as if it were on fire. The man kneels down to her eye level and offers his wrist to her before dragging a blade across it, releasing a little bit of precious red liquid.

She stared at it with hungry, desperate eyes. She needed it to stop the pain. She wanted it to stop. But she couldn't take it. She had to fight it.

This man imprisoned her and tricked her which made her dependant on him for survival by taking a little bit of his blood every day. If she didn't do it, she would die. She thought there had to be a way out, there had to be something that could save her, even if it was death. If she wasn't so afraid of death, she would gladly embrace it than spend another second with this man.

She hesitated, trying to force herself to hold back but only in vain. The pain was too much, she couldn't bear the thought of dying. She grabbed his wrist and quickly put her lips around it, taking his sweet blood. In moments, relief swept through her but she did not dare to look up at him.

"I will ask you again darling: Will you be mine?"

His only reply was silence.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is our new student from England, Arthur Kirkland. Let's make him feel welcome, shall we?" The students applauded as Arthur examined the classroom with a bored gaze from his emerald eyes. This was the third time he moved within six months and he was not looking forward to meeting new people only to know them for who knows how long- or in his case – how short of a time it is until he has to stay.

"There's a seat behind- ______________! You're late again!" Arthur turned his head to the door and there was a girl who tried to sneak in. Once their gazes met the girl, known as ______________, widened her eyes and immediately dropped her books and backed up against the wall, shaking.

"You know very well that with this many lates, you have to see me after class." The teacher sighed as he placed his hand on his forehead. "It's not the end of the world so stop this melodramatic act as if it were your execution. And this is Arthur Kirkland, by the way." She nodded in acknowledgement and started gathering her books. Arthur noticed that she had relaxed quite a bit after the teacher said his name.

Arthur took his seat behind another boy who was named Alfred and declared him his new best friend. Arthur met him for two seconds and was obviously annoyed by him but he secretly didn't want to turn down a new friend. It was better to have some human company. He had plenty of fairy friends and he had three brothers but his brothers ignore him and he can't talk to his fairy friends while he was at school.

To Arthur's delight, it was English class, one of his favourites and what he excelled in because he wanted to become a writer. And from the looks of it, this class was going through poetry. The teacher stood at the front with a stack of papers.

"I've marked your freestyle poetry and out of all of them, there was one that truly caught my eye." There were excited murmurs throughout the class. Alfred turned and whispered to Arthur.

"This guy is a real hard-ass when it comes to poetry. You've got to put real blood, sweat and tears to get him to like yours."

"I hardly call that a challenge." Arthur had a thin smile.

"Dude, you've got a wicked accent!" Alfred shouted.

"Mr. Jones! Unless if you want to join Miss _____________ for detention, I suggest you zip it. Anyways, as I was saying, I hope you don't mind if I read it out loud."

Arthur noticed that _______________ had paled and had her fingers crossed as if she was praying that it wasn't hers. He found that really odd considering students would hope that it was theirs that was read so they could let the class see it. What was with that girl? The teacher started reading the poem.

"My song was once so proud and high

But alas, my music is grey

Because I have been taken from my beloved sky

I still live and plea each day

Please, someone hear my cry

Save me from this endless nigh.

My song is hidden and safely kept

Until the day someone opens the door

And dries the tears I have wept.

Please, take me to fly once more

Erase the pain, erase the red

Lest that is love for me

Come, leave behind this dread

And we shall forever be free."

The class was silent because they were unsure of what to say. Some of them were awed and others were severely bored. To Arthur, he was shocked and surprised. He examined things very carefully and this wasn't just a poem, it was a plea for help. He glanced at ______________ again and she sunk into her chair meaning that was hers.

"She has talent." Arthur mused.

"That was like… Amazing! But it's so sad." One of the girls, no wait, it was a blond haired guy that LOOKED like a girl said.

"It was so emotional and it was a very well written way of searching for true love." One of the girls sighed.

"That emo needs a hobby." Another girl said and some other students agreed.

"It was good but it's a little cliche." Alfred said. "It was good but they need to go for a new angle. Something a little more cheerful."

"Gilbird! Did you right this?!" An albino boy in a desk next to the window in the back of the room stood up and scooped a chick in his hands. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were that sad! That's not awesome! Just let the awesome me-"

"Shut up, Gilbert!" The entire class shouted and he sat back down, only paying attention to his bird.

"Yes, well, thank you for the criticism. This is an example of a sonnet and the reason why I think this one stands out of the rest is because it has deep emotion. You must all put your hearts into your writing to make an efficient poem that stands out."

Arthur thought about talking to ________________ to give her some advice on how to improve her work. He purposefully took his time packing up his books as he saw ______________ talk with the teacher.

"Yo, dude, how about I'll give you a tour?" Alfred grinned.

"I already had one. And it's not 'dude', it's Arthur." Arthur huffed.

"Mr. Jones, please get to your next class and Mr. Kirkland, I would like to have a word with you after I'm done with Miss ______________." The teacher said, pushing his glasses on his face.

"Yes sir. Do you want me to wait outside?"

"If you want." Alfred followed Arthur outside the door. Arthur glanced at _____________ once more before he shut the door behind him.

"You were checking ______________ out, weren't you?" Alfred grinned slyly and Arthur flushed.

"What the bloody hell brought that up? I-"

"I'm warning you right now, don't even try. You'll only end up hurting yourself." Alfred said gravely. Arthur smiled thinly and glared at Alfred.

"Oh really? I'll tell you right now, I know your game and I won't let scum like you to abuse any girl."

"What?" Alfred flinched. "What are you talking about?"

"You say that there's something wrong with her when you want her for yourself and keep her only by your side. It is quite disgusting. I've seen it one too many times and I know it when I see it." Arthur growled dangerously.

"Woah, dude, calm down. I swear, I'm not planning anything. And you sound like you've been on that side."

Arthur tsked and frowned. He was once a delinquent and had mistreated some women like what he had described but he had seen the error of his ways and turned over a new leaf, trying to prevent that same misfortune repeating itself. But that didn't matter now.

"I apologize then. You were saying?"

"It's cool. I probably would've said the same thing. Anyways… I've known ______________ since we were kids. She was the friendliest person you would meet and she had everything. Friends, family, good looks, smarts, you name it. But after she was in a car accident with her folks, everything went downhill." Arthur assumed that it was a tragic accident judging by Alfred's tone and _____________ was the only survivor of the crash. "I don't blame her for being depressed and all, that's normal and understandable. But it hit her hard over time. She stopped seeing friends. She stopped talking. And she stopped smiling. She doesn't let anyone in her world and quite honestly, it scares me. I would've done anything to help because I know she's still in there somewhere…"

"But unless she helps herself, she's beyond all hope of saving, am I correct?"

"Yeah. You can try if you want but it's useless. In the end, it's _______________ who decides whether or not she wants to be saved."

Soon the door opened and ________________ ran into Arthur. Arthur noticed a small whiteboard in her hand that said. 'I'm fine.' She met his gaze and bowed as if to say 'I'm sorry.' Arthur's attention was shifted to the faerie that was flying behind her.

"Wait up, Miss! I… I can't find my glasses!" The tiny pale faerie with rose hair, dress and eyes cried. ________________ stopped and turned around as if she were looking at the boys.

"Hey, ________________." Alfred smiled. She gave a small nod in acknowledgement but just kept on staring at them. "I'm gonna go grab something to eat. Meet me in the cafeteria." He directed at Arthur before he left.

"Oh. Here they are." Arthur noticed something shiny on the ground and carefully picked up the thick lenses. "You should get these fixed."

"Y-you can see me?" The faerie asked in shock. ______________ noticeably flinched. "Any reason why I shouldn't? You're an odd one." Arthur smiled. "I don't think I've seen one like you before."

"Yes, well… I have to go." The faerie flew back to ______________'s side as she continued down the hallway. Arthur once again met _______________'s eyes and he was awestruck of what he saw. Her (colour) eyes had a strange glance, one he had not seen very often but he recognized. It was a glimmer of hope. She soon hid it once she realized he identified it and bowed her head before disappearing down the hallway.

"Oh, there you are Mr. Kirkland." The English teacher stepped out. "I was afraid that you left already."

"No, I was waiting here. Why did you need to see me?"

"Well, I have a favour to ask. I know you've only been here for a day but if you were to make some new friends, I suggest you start with ________________. She's suffering but she's closed herself off from the world. If there was someone who was patient and strong enough to reach out to her, she could be saved and you fit the bill."

Arthur thought back to her supposed poem as a plea for help. But at the same time she seems like she wants to be left alone. Arthur couldn't stand the sight of someone suffering like she is so he decided to take the challenge.

"Alright. I will do my best."


"My lady, please, consider that he could be the one that could free you." The faerie said.

'He could… But I couldn't get anywhere near him without HIM knowing. Even if he did, he'll try kill him.' _______________ kept her head down as she entered her gloomy prison of a home. It was only minutes until he greeted her. With any luck, he was held up. Only a few precious minutes were left to call her own.

"True. But if he can see me, he has potential."

"Ah, welcome home my darling." The man greeted her at the top of the stairs which she ignored. She continued to walk down the hallway and he followed only a couple of steps behind her. "How was school?"

________________ ignored him again and the faerie whipped her head back and forth between them as she was flying alongside of ______________ as she made her way to the kitchen.

"Lulubell. How was school?" The man smiled at the faerie.

"Uh… Same old same old. Got an A on homework and a pop quiz, and there was a new stu-" Lulubell covered her mouth.

"A new student? Boy or girl? Tell me right now, Lulubell or I'll have a new special ingredient for my cupcakes." ________________ dropped her dish in the sink once he said 'cupcake'. She gritted her teeth at the disgustingly sweet bright pastry that started all of this. Just the thought about it was making her body hurt and her need for him was growing stronger.

"A boy. He looks like you, my lord."

"Really?" He drawled. "Did he say anything to you?" ________________ shook her head.

"Good. Because I don't want anyone to take my sweet little __________________ away from me. They'll do anything to take you away from me." He hugged _________________ from behind and she scowled.

"My lady says 'You'd hate that, wouldn't you?'"

The man smiled.

"You're SO cruel, darling." He smirked in her hair. "I won't let anyone come between us, shatter the special bond we have with each other. And I'd really wish you would stop using Lulubell as a puppet for your voice. It's been so long since I've heard your pretty voice. And I can't wait for you to call for me ever so sweetly." ________________ deepened her scowl and squeezed her eyes shut as the pain was getting worse.

"With all due respect my lord, _______________ says "There's no point in me talking. We've been going in circles. You deny me what I want and I shall forever deny what you want. Unless something changes, you won't have the privilege of hearing me speak."" _________________ turned to boldly face his unnaturally bright blue eyes with pink swirls around the irises.

"But if you would just say 'yes' to me, I would give you the world, your antidote and much more." He giggled like a schoolgirl before getting down on one knee. "Will you be my bride?"

____________________ grabbed his sleeve and quickly placed her lips on a small fresh wound, taking as much blood as she could as fast as she could before he could retract it. Once she got a decent amount, she stormed out without sparing an extra glance.

"Yet another 'no' my lord." Lulubell said. "We are going to retire for the evening."

"I'll break you, my dear __________________. And you'll become one with me throughout all eternity or my name isn't Artie Lirkand. You can't stay silent forever, ___________________."

He glanced at the table and the plate of cupcakes he made earlier were shoved onto the floor by ________________ on her way out.

"Oh dear. Looks like I need another batch." He giggled.


Arthur had some trouble adjusting to his new school. He wasn't used to moving around so much and often gotten lost several times. Along the way, he inevitably ran into bullies who taunted him whenever they had the chance. And to make the situation even worse, he tried to use his magic to defend himself, only for it to fail because his skills were underdeveloped and he had earned himself the label 'thick eyebrow Harry Potter freak'.

When he wasn't being bullied, he was being pestered by Alfred to do things and was dragged around everywhere. He even went to the place where they sell the worst food known to mankind: McDonalds. Alfred would always stuff his face and insist that he buys Arthur something. Arthur finally gave into his pestering and had some Earl Grey tea.

"It's nothing but a cheap imitation." Arthur grumbled as he walked with Alfred.

"I'm sorry, I can't hear you, could you speak up please miss?" One obnoxiously loud girl said at the till. Her tone sounded extremely cruel. "Maybe if we got rid of the whiteboard, I'd be able to hear you better."

"_________________, just leave it and go somewhere else." Arthur turned to the familiar voice and it was Lulubell the faerie along with ________________ who was clutching onto the whiteboard as if it was her life and keeping the cashier girl from taking it.

Arthur had not forgotten what he had said on his first day but with everything that's been going on, he wasn't even able to talk to __________________.

"Is there an issue here?" Arthur approached the two keeping a solemn stern glance that was both attractive (despite his monstrous eyebrows) and intimidating. It made both of them freeze to glance at him.

"We're only fooling around." The cashier girl said.

"I know fooling around and this isn't fooling around." Arthur said calmly as he took _________________'s hand and led her to where Alfred and his mountain of food were sitting.

"Oh, thank you from both of us Mr. …" Lulubell began but realized that she never got Arthur's name.

"Arthur. Arthur Kirkland." He said to Lulubell then met his gaze with ________________'s who both looked scared and awestruck.

"Hey, ___________________, fancy seeing you here." Alfred grinned. She gave a small wave in acknowledgement then scribbled something on her blackboard.

"May I sit down?" She held up the board so Arthur and Alfred could see it.

"By all means." Arthur gestured her to enter first in the booth which she hesitantly went along with.

"Well look at you, Mr. Gentleman." Alfred teased. "Trying to show off, eh?"

"Shut it, you git. It's- …common courtesy." Arthur heard a rumbling noise coming from beside him and when he turned, he saw _________________ clutch her stomach a bit in an effort to silence it. Alfred looked down to his stomach and Arthur assumed that he heard it too.

"Alright, alright, I'll feed you." Alfred started to wolf down the hamburgers without a second thought. Arthur thought it was despicable. He didn't even ask if ________________ wanted any. Arthur took  a hamburger off of Alfred's pile and Alfred was about to protest before he that Arthur offered it to ________________. Both Alfred and _________________ were surprised by this gesture and Arthur was too but it was a start if he was going to be _________________'s friend.

"Hungry? It doesn't look like you've eaten anything." __________________ looked between Arthur and Alfred before scribbling something on her whiteboard.

"Is it alright, Alfred?"

"Sure!" Alfred wolfed down another burger. "You want something to drink too?" _________________ shook her head then accepted the hamburger before writing a 'thank you' and showing it to Alfred and Arthur.

Arthur could tell that she was far more than grateful. She looked like this was food made for the Royal family with her eyes wide with awe and she was holding the burger like it was something very special. For the first time, Arthur was certain that she had smiled. It was thin but it was there.

Once she finished, she sighed contently and her smile was definitely visible. Arthur thought she was rather pretty.

"Dude! You actually smiled!" Alfred said with his mouth full. "Haven't seen that in a LONG time!" ________________ touched her cheeks and then suddenly stopped and blushed as if she were embarrassed which made Arthur chuckle.

"There's no reason to feel shy about it. There's nothing wrong with showing your gratitude. You seemed to be enjoying it."

__________________ picked up her whiteboard again then showed it to Arthur. "Well… It was one of the best things I've eaten in a while."

"Oh, come to think of it __________________. Didn't you bring lunch today? Your food is AWESOME so why would you pick Mickey D's over your cooking? Not saying that you shouldn't but I don't think I've seen you eat today."

_________________ shifted her eyes to the side and hesitated.

"Just say that the food went bad. It's true after what he did to it." Lulubell whispered, obviously forgetting that Arthur could see her. That statement made Arthur strike it as odd. By the disgusted tone in Lulubell's voice, whoever or whatever they put in her lunch wasn't pleasant. _________________ wrote her reply within seconds.

"My food went bad and I couldn't wait until I got home. Thanks again, I really do appreciate it. And I only had enough for a tea."

"You like tea?" Arthur saw part of __________________'s board and it did catch his attention. She turned to him and nodded. She erased part of her board again then replied.

"I love any kind of real tea… that's not in those little bags, they're so dull. But they're better than nothing."

"That is true." Arthur agreed with her. Lulubell moved to ___________________'s shoulder where she made herself a comfortable sitting position with her legs crossed.

"__________________ loves any kind of tea. It helps her relax and gets rid of the taste of b-" Lulubell slapped her hands on her mouth. _________________ shot a warning glare. Arthur's suspicions about something being wrong were starting to grow stronger.

"Don't say that you like scones." Alfred said. Arthur felt extremely insulted because a couple days ago, Alfred followed him home and Arthur fed him his famous family recipe scones and for some reason, Alfred couldn't stomach it and has been groaning about it to anyone who would listen.

"They're the best! Especially with strawberry jam."

"That's still your favourite, huh _________________? How come you never tell me or anyone else these things anymore? It kind of feels like you're a totally different person… but at the same time, you haven't seem like you've changed."

___________________ tilted her head to the side a bit and had a look of uncertainty and confliction.

"It's not that we mind but you've completely shut everyone else out and this change that you're going through…"

"I don't want to talk about it." __________________ flipped up her sign quickly. Arthur didn't want to pry but there was something seriously wrong with this picture. He had a sudden flash of a man with bright strawberry blonde hair and maniacal blue eyes and who looked the same as Arthur. And with the things that Alfred, the English teach and the other students have said about her, it was worth investigating. After all, he did come from a family of famous detectives and he was the brightest person back in his original home town so how hard could it be?

"We should be going now, Mr. Arthur." _________________ looked at him and Lulubell said the words for her and Arthur let her out. Arthur thought of something and he may make himself look like a fool but if this can help her in any way, he would gladly do it in front of hundreds of people.

"See ya _________________." Alfred said. "Thanks for hangin' we should get together again sometime with the whole gang."

"Oooh… He would never allow it." Lulubell muttered. "I'm sorry my lady." Arthur stood there as he watched her leave.

"You're checkin' her out~" Alfred grinned.

"Am not, you bloody git! Gah… I'll be right back." Arthur fast walked out the door and was able to stop her in time by catching her arm.

"__________________, hold on a second." _________________ turned to face him. "I would very much like to meet up with you again and I was wondering if you would like to have tea with me this coming Sunday? I found a good tea house as I was getting settled in and I would like to go with someone."

__________________ had a light dust shade of pink on her cheeks but she smiled and nodded a bit before heading off.


"You seem like you're in a pleasant mood, love. Tell me the good news.~" Artie chimed as he greeted _________________ at the top of the stairs. ________________ instantly dropped the smile that she was unaware of that she had the entire way home. But first she was more keen on getting her lunch into the garbage or the garbarator first. Her attempt was futile as Artie held out his hand and cornered her against the counter.

"I'll take your lunch dishes, darling. Hand them over." __________________ hesitantly obeyed and Artie opened up the Tupperware lid, revealing the untouched contents.

"Why do you not eat the meals that I make for you? I made them out of love." He said as he threw the food in the garbage and __________________ scoffed.

"She says 'I KNOW that you always add something.'" Lulubell said, cowering behind ___________________'s neck.

"It's called Love, love." Artie smirked as he took ____________________'s chin between his fingers and offered his wrist which was covered in blood. ____________________ was starting to hurt all over at the sight of blood but she hungrily accepted the precious lifesaving fluid. "And it's because that I love you, I'm saving your life. It would break my heart to keep this from you until you give me what I want although, that does sound rather fun." Artie smirked and _________________ kept her eyes away from his as she wiped the blood off her face. "Then again, you do that on your own so I have to come up with something else. How about you tell me what's happened that's so good?"

_____________________ regrettably did one of the worst actions of all: she kissed Artie. He kept her in it longer, forcing his tongue into her unwilling mouth where she was forced to take in his disgustingly sweet flavour.

"You've decided to become my bride?" Artie smiled his Cheshire Cat grin. Lulubell once again translated __________________'s thoughts.

"It's another no and she doesn't want any questions." __________________ walked away to her room and locked the door behind her, slumping against it with a heartfelt sigh. She wasn't sure whether or not it was out of despair or joy but she actually felt alive. There was something about that Kirkland boy that sparked her joy again and she happily looked forward to their date on Sunday.

Her eyes widened when she suddenly thought about that. How was she going to hide it from Artie?

Artie in the meantime was humming a creepy tune while releasing uncontrollable giddy sniggers.

"A kiss in exchange for no questions. I like that game.~ How about… we make it more interesting every time it happens?"

England x Reader x 2p England : Bad AppleWhere stories live. Discover now