Chapter 4

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The rest of the day passed by quickly. I tried to keep my mind occupied and properly concentrate on my school work. I didn't bother waiting for Niall to take me to my classes, I was done with him. Instead, I got Lauren to take me if I was unsure of where to go. She was much better help and I had made up my mind that I would tell the head teacher she would be my new guide. I really didn't care if I fucked up Niall's reputation with the school, because I didn't care about him. All I was interested in was making sure I never had to speak to him again. 

Once the day was over and the final bell rang I was so relieved. I had survived the first day of school in some manner, but it was a very strange day. I have never met anyone like Niall before and I hope I never do. I had to walk home by myself because Lauren lived in the opposite direction to me. It was fine though, because I just plugged my earphones in and blocked out the world. I didn't want to reflect on the day. That was the last thing I wanted to do. I just wanted to forget about the whole thing and try to move on.

My music was blaring so loud that I didn't even know there was someone behind me the whole walk home. I was oblivious to anything around me, and I wanted it to stay that way for a short while. When I got to the block of flats I called home, I was expecting the third degree from my mum. Not that I wanted to tell her. I didn't tell her anything nowadays though for that matter. When I was walking up the stairs I took my earphones out and that's when I heard the footsteps behind me. Could my day get any fucking worse?

"Why the fuck are you following me? I made it pretty clear I want nothing to do with you so fuck off" I spat towards the blonde haired boy.

"Actually I fucking live here too, you know. I wouldn't waste my time by following you. But now you're here I think you and I need to have a little chat, don't you?" he replied, with a hint of anger in his voice.

"No, I don't think we need a fucking chat. I don't want to be anywhere near you."

"Well too bad. We live in the same block of flats" he hissed, and pushed me against the wall, trapping me and making me become vulnerable.

"Get off me, Niall. I'm not scared of you like everyone else is. I don't care what you do to me anymore."

"Well that's a good thing. You won't mind me doing this then, will you?" He let go of me and threw me to the floor and I naturally winced. "Don't ever mock me again, Sophie, I'm warning you. You don't know what I am capable of, and you don't want to find out either. So I suggest you keep your pretty little mouth shut and be a good little new girl."

I gradually regained confidence to stand up and face him again, "No. And what are you going to do about it?" I was getting brave now, maybe too brave for my own good.

"Oh, you will soon know what I'm going to do about it. See you around, new girl" he laughed and walked off.

What did that even mean? To be honest, I knew that he was going to make my life a living hell, but I've hardly done anything to deserve it. Yes, I stood up to him but that was only because of what he did to me. What he did to me was uncalled for and he was treating me like shit. I had really had enough of it. I've been treated like shit since my dad died, and it was becoming too much. Getting it from school too? Maybe I couldn't cope. Maybe I just had I do what Niall told me and be a 'good little new girl'. Perhaps it was my only option, otherwise I seriously think I might have a breakdown.

I reached into my bag for my keys and unlocked the door. This was the part of the day I dreaded more than school. I knew my mum was home, but she was probably getting wasted or having sex with one of her clients. I didn't really want to be around for long, so I quickly went to my room and got changed. I decided to throw on some skinny jeans and a jumper for the cold weather. I scraped my hair back into a ponytail before leaving the flat. I didn't even bother trying to find my mum in there or speak to her. Now I was out the flat, I had no idea where to go really. Stupidly enough, I forgot to get Lauren's number, so I couldn't ring her up and arrange to meet her somewhere. I just decided I would have a wonder round and see where I ended up. It's not like my mum would be worried about where I was or anything.

I needed to clear my head, and walking the streets of Mullingar helped me do that. Everything I saw fascinated me, but I don't know why. I loved this place, it was just a shame about the school. I carried on wondering around for a while, not entirely knowing were I was going but I liked the idea of that. It reminded me of an adventure. I ended up at a park that looked pretty deserted. It was still lovely though, and it had a children's playground too. I strolled towards the swings and sat down. I can't remember the last time I've actually been on a swing. Come to think of it, I can't remember the last time I was even at a park. My life had been too busy before to even think about it. Nevertheless, I happily played on the swing, rocking myself forwards and backwards and gaining a good height. I was almost enjoying myself.

Once I had enough of the swing, I slowed down and got off. It was so peaceful and calming here. It almost made me forgot about the events of today. Almost. I continued strolling round the park, when I heard some familiar voices and some that I didn’t recognise that were coming from behind me somewhere. I knew one voice straight away. Niall’s. I had to leave, I needed to get away. He couldn’t see me. I bent down behind the tree that was in front of me to try and hide myself. I didn’t know what they were doing. There was a gang of them and they looked like they were having a meeting of some sort. It was weird though; there were some who were my age but others who looked as if they were in their 30s or 40s. I wonder what they were doing. I can’t believe I was caught in the middle of everything again. Like I said, trouble seemed to follow me around. I couldn’t quite catch some of the things they were talking about, but some of the stuff seemed dodgy. Like they were talking about some money that was going to be delivered to the bank sometime next week. Why did they even need to know about that? Please tell me it’s not what I think it is. God, why had I been so wrong about this boy? He was a fucking criminal as well as an asshole. Wow. I was just about to leave my hiding space and confront them all when I heard my name mentioned.

One boy, who I recognised from this morning following Niall around, said to him “What about this Sophie girl, ey? What’s the deal with her?”

Niall replied “She will get what’s coming to her, trust me.”

All of the boys sniggered until one of them said, “Hey, how about we make a bet? I bet you £100 you can’t get her to fall in love with you within the next 3 months.”

“Ha, that is the easiest bet I’ve ever heard. Of course I can make her fall in love with me. Most of the girls in our school already are. It’s a deal”, Niall sniggered, and shook the boys hand.

I can’t believe it. I really cannot believe it. He placed a bet on me. On my feelings. He didn’t care how badly he was going to hurt me, he just wanted to prove to everyone else that he could do whatever he wanted and get away with it. Now I was really fucking mad, and I would do everything in my power to make him think he was winning, only to make him the loser in the end. I would make sure of that.

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