Democratic Socialism a Short Introdction

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                          In the year 2016 there has been an awakening of millennials, in the early hopeful times when Bernie Sanders was threatening corporations and taking names. He was promising a $15 minimum wage and a new life for everyone. Then the populous hopes were dashed and we were all downhill from there. Trump won the republican's primary, then, despite losing, he won. If you don't understand the electoral college this may seem confusing. The electoral college basically is the system the US uses that gives smaller states more votes, because they need representation too right? Wrong. The problem with this is that it is fundamentally incorrect, the people need representation, not the states, but I digress. Democratic socialism want's mostly extremely radical ideas such as a livable wage and free healthcare. (Sarcasm, although not to some republicans) 

                         The definition is ; decrease the influence of money in politics, empower ordinary people in workplaces and the economy, restructure gender and cultural relationships to be more equitable, according to  

                     What this means is that democratic socialism wants to push society in the direction it WAS already headed, before Trump took office (while I write this, he has not yet taken office) despite Trump pushing society in the wrong direction, the people are still the real power, everyone can make progress, you still vote for the most important positions, senate and the house. 

                 In the next couple chapters I will outline the history of the ideas of democratic socialism, and for that matter, Socialism in general 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2016 ⏰

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