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“I’m not going in there! I’ve got nothing to say to him.”

“Come on, Adam, be reasonable. It’s only twenty minutes!”

Louis frowned and looked up at the door of his office. It was closed, but behind it he could hear scuffling and the unmistakable sound of an extremely irritating voice complaining bitterly. The moment he had been dreading for hours had arrived. He reached for the button under his desk and stroked it for reassurance.

The door swung open and Adam sullenly stepped inside, gently propelled by Liam. Louis was amazed that Liam was strong enough to push the huge man over the threshold; as soon as Adam entered the room it seemed to shrink. It was not a large office, and he seemed to fill the entire room. Sitting up a little straighter like he wasn’t totally terrified of the scowling man in front of him, Louis nodded.

“Take a seat, Adam,” he said pleasantly, gesturing at the empty seat in front of his desk.

The only response was an angry grunt. Louis thought wistfully of the blazing smile Harry could have been giving him at that moment if it had been him occupying the chair. Adam blankly looked at him, his silence an obvious refusal to do as he was told.

“Adam…” Liam said warningly.

With a slightly forced smile, Louis shrugged. “He can stand if he likes. Makes no difference to me.”

Truthfully, he wasn’t sure he wanted Adam sitting in Harry’s chair. He by no means objected to loaning the chair to all of the other prisoners, because he either liked or tolerated them – but to have someone he had already realized he disliked occupying his boyfriend’s chair, the chair that Harry sat in so often that it had started to smell like him, the chair that Louis would sometimes curl up in when he was alone, the place where he felt closest to Harry than anywhere else except when they were actually together…the idea filled him with dread. He realized that he hated the thought of seeing the huge and ugly man collapsing into the chair that, weirdly, felt kind of like home to Louis and gave him so many happy memories of Harry.

Adam looked murderously at Louis, analysing the stiff smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. Realizing that Louis didn’t want him to sit down, he smirked obnoxiously – and dropped into the seat. Of course.

Louis decided at that moment that Harry had most definitely been right – this guy was begging to be punched in the face. Plastering a painfully fake smile onto his face so as not to add to Adam’s satisfaction, he gave Liam a reassuring look and then redirected his attention to Adam as Liam coughed quietly and slipped from the room.

Taking a steadying breath, Louis opened his mouth. “Right, well, I thought we could start by talking about –”

“I’m not saying anything to you!” Adam snapped. “I don’t have mental issues!”

Clearly you do, or else you wouldn’t be yelling at me for trying to have a normal conversation. “No one is saying that you do. We just feel that it’s constructive to talk about your feelings and motives so that you’re not tempted to break the law again once you’re –”

“I don’t even have to open my mouth. You’ll be hearing about this from my solicitor!”

“It helps to acknowledge your emotions; everyone else has agreed that having a confidante has been very good for them; they like knowing there’s someone for them to tal –”

Adam rudely cut him off once again. “There’s no point in this! You don’t want to be here, I don’t want to be here – so why the hell are we still here?”

Imprisoned In My Heart: A Larry Stylinson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now