Chapter 1

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"H-Hana...I'm Hana."

Sadly though, that was all she could remember about herself. She doesn't have any clue about her own life. She doesn't know why she was walking around the Oh's residence where she collapsed in front of the twin heirs of the Oh's.

The lady of the house, Mrs. Oh was kind enough to bring her inside and have the family doctor checked on her. Hana was heavily dehydrated and there was a healing wound on her head that may have been the reason for the memory loss.

While letting her rest and properly feeding her, Mrs. Oh also helped her to talk to the police to help her find her family. Hana stayed with the Oh's for a week, Luhan the older of the twins often visit her and he would blabber about anything he could think of to her.

When Hana felt that she was well rested and have her energy back, she thanked Mrs. Oh and bid her farewell. Mrs. Oh insisted that she could stay as long as she wanted but Hana felt like she was imposing too much already to the kind-hearted lady so she declined the offer. Although Hana really has nowhere to go, she braved up and looked for her family on her own.

Mrs. Oh, who was still worried about her decision, gave her some money and a phone so Hana can contact her in case of emergency.

Not a day had even passed by when Hana found herself in danger once more. Hana noticed a man following her and when she mistakably took a wrong turn, the man immediately launched himself at her, a silver dagger missing her stomach by a few inches.

Hana quickly tried to get away from him but the man was a whole lot stronger than she was and he was determined to harm Hana. But then, out of nowhere a guy wearing a hoodie came to her rescue. Everything happened so fast, one moment Hana was being attacked and the next moment, her badly injured assailant was running off to get away from her rescuer.

Hana picker herself up from where she was previously cornered, she was about to express her gratitude to the hoodie guy but black spots appeared at the corner of her vision and before she knew it, darkness consumed her.

When she opened her eyes again, she was already in a hospital and Mrs. Oh was sitting by her side...patiently waiting for her to wake up. Apparently, she fainted due to too much shock. She didn't have to stay long at the hospital, she just needed to regain her senses and then she was free to go.

Unfortunately though, Mrs. Oh was not letting her go alone by herself again. The older doesn't care how long it would take Hana to have her memories back and for her to locate her family but the older woman wanted Hana to stay with them until then.

"But Mrs. Oh, that would be too much, I don't know how long it would take for me to find my family..."

"All the more reason why you need to stay with us, I don't want you walking on the streets alone. What if had happened wasn't a coincidence, what if that man was really after you? You'll be much safer here..." Mrs. Oh reasoned out.


"No more buts Hana, I'm not letting you go on your own. Once we found your family, I'll personally take you to them..." Mrs. Oh insisted and Hana decided to just take it.

"This is really too much Mrs. Oh... I don't know how I'll be able to repay your kindness."

"Don't mention it Hana, besides it would be nice having another lady in the house... my twins can be a bit hard to deal with sometimes, especially Sehun." Mrs. Oh chuckled.

Mrs. Oh announced her decision to her twins over dinner. Luhan gave her a warm smile and agreed with his mother's decision. Sehun however was another case.

"Are you really letting a stranger stay in our house? She could be a criminal for all we know..." Sehun strongly disagree to his mother and brother.

"Sehun!" Luhan quickly reprimanded his twin brother.

"What?! I'm just being realistic here. She could be faking everything for the two of you to take pity on her. She's a total stranger, we are not sure if she's pretending or not, if she's really not plotting anything bad against us." Sehun reasoned out, openly glaring at Hana who just kept her head down.

"Stop it Sehun!" Mrs. Oh stopped her son especially when she saw how uncomfortable Hana was under his gaze. "I've never been wrong with my instincts on people around me. Hana is staying here and that is final."

Sehun scoffed and glared at Hana once more. He really couldn't do anything but respect his mother's decision.

Later that evening while Hana was finding her way back to the room that was given to her, she happened to be so unfortunate to bump into no other than Sehun.

"S-Sorry..." Hana was quick to apologize but only got a glare in return before the grumpy twin started to walk away.

Hana took a deep breath, she can't have Sehun keep on looking at her like she had done something wrong.

"W-Wait..." Hana walked back to him and bravely faced him. "I just want to clear something, I am not pretending, I really have no memory of who I am. I have no hidden motive in staying here, I really just have nowhere to go." She explained.

"Whatever... besides no criminal would admit that he's a bad person, right? Look I don't care what your real intentions are but if you hurt Luhan or mom, I will hunt you I clear?" Sehun threatened.

"D-Don't worry, I'll go find a job and when I have enough for a decent apartment... I'll leave..."

"I said I don't care... just stay the hell away from me." Sehun glared at her from head to toe before walking away.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2016 ⏰

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