Part 2

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Competition – NO ONE POV

"So, the rules are simple. Each round 2 couples are eliminated until we have our final 2 couple, one of whom will be walking away with this prized item." The competition coordinator, named Ryan, said into his microphone as he held up the Princess Poppy doll and everyone cheered.

Taylor and Adam looked at each other and smiled. They were both so determined to win.

Each couple was asked a few questions so the crowd could get to know them better.

"So, please introduce yourselves." Ryan asked Taylor.

"I'm Taylor, and this is my husband Adam. We are from here originally but split our time between Nashville and New York now. We are trying to win this for our little girl Jenny, who is 5." Taylor said, confidently, completely making parts up but basing it on reality.

You could tell by the slight gasps that people were shocked by the fact they were so young and had a 5-year-old, which made them both smirk slightly.

"Does she love Trolls?" Ryan asked.

"It's her absolute favourite movie! She sings all the songs and knows the dances. If she could she would be a Troll!" Adam said, thinking about the 5 times he had watched the movie with Jenny since it came out.

"Aww well good luck!" Ryan said, before getting the rest of the couples to introduce themselves.

Then came the games.

Round 1 involved one half of each couple trying to hook 2 floating Santa figurines while blindfolded the quickest. The other half of the couple guided their sticks. Taylor and Adam came 3rd in the game, with Taylor calmly and incredibly precisely directing Adam the whole time, he was just a little directionally challenged when it came to instructions, something she was extremely aware of from experience.

"We did it!" Taylor said excitedly as Adam took off his blindfold when the game finished.

"Only 4 more rounds...." Adam said, trying not to sound nervous, but Taylor noticed anyways, taking his hand in hers and squeezing it gently as the next game was announced.

Round 2 involved wrapping your partner in wrapping paper from head to toe. Adam decided to wrap as he knew he could be fast and efficient whereas Taylor would put too much effort into making it look good. He started at her feet, wrapping each leg separately, then worked his way up her body until he had covered each arm and her neck. Finally, he covered her face, smiling as she grinned at him happily. They came 2nd, with Taylor wrapped very well and very quickly.

"I think I'd make a good present!" Taylor said jokingly as the next game got set up.

Adam gulped slightly and smiled, not trusting himself to respond as he was thinking about the fact that her being here sort of was a present for him as he was unlikely to get many presents this year.

The third round involved answering questions about the Trolls movie. Taylor was slightly unsure, but Adam was on the buzzer and answered over half the questions asked of the 6 couples.

"I'm genuinely impressed." Taylor said, nodding her head and raising her eyebrows, "Never would I have imagined you of all people being able to answer questions about a kids cartoon movie..."

"To be fair, it's not a bad film.... And having watched it 5 times at this point, I'd be thoroughly disappointed in myself if I couldn't answer the questions..." Adam said with a bashful shrug.

"Just take the compliment Adam." Taylor said, rolling her eyes and nudging him slightly, making him laugh and roll his eyes too.

The competition was down to 4 couples now, and Taylor and Adam were one of them.

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