The Dream

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The sky is cloudy, thick and grey
The heavens have some rain to pay
The sun is setting, I need to get home
It's dark and damp, I am all alone
The day has gone away
The night has come to play
Through the darkness I see
Big yellow eyes staring at me
Teeth flash, a smile follows
My bones quake, my belly hollows
My heart races, my blood  turns cold
It gives me a look of futures untold
Drip drop, the rain starts
Swish rustle, the illusion parts
Through the darkness I see
A man's eyes staring at me.

Its always the same dream. Beautiful in it's wildness but terrifying it's reoccurrence.  It starts in the same way in the same place. . .
I am running through the woods, trees  streak by me as my legs push me forward at an inhuman speed. Behind me, something  is chasing me. Something with four legs and sharp teeth but there is no fear as run, no urgency, in fact I am happy and teasing. Whatever it is behind me is not threatening, I am completely safe in it's presence. I laugh, knowing it cannot catch me, for I am faster than it. My feet are bare, the earth wet and springy as I dodge trees, jump over logs and avoid low hanging branches. It follows my every foot step, gaining as it grows excited by the chase. Then there it is, straight ahead, the tallest evergreen I ever did see. It would be a easy climb all the way to the top and the best part was he wouldn't be able to catch me, I would win the game.
I push myself faster, feeling my pursuer do the same.
30 yards, I can hear his paws thudding behind me.
15 yards, his breathing becomes faster with anticipation.
5 yards, his nails dig into the ground, preparing to lunge.
I jump, my hands reaching for a branch, any branch. . . Success! I swing  myself into the lower bows of the tree as his teeth nip at my heals. I climb not looking down till I'm a good ten feet above the ground where the air is cool and clear. The evergreen limbs are strong, it's bark beautifully dark and rough. I am exhilarated and victorious, I have won the game. 'He' circles below me, the wolf, my wolf. His fur is a dark ebony, shaggy but soft to the touch, his size and bulk was that of a small horse though, there was nothing equine about his powerful shape. I could smell him even from my perch in the tree, his scent is of old musk and warm spices, it was the smell of home, and then there was his eyes, two bright yellow orbs that pierced straight to your soul, they were the kind of eyes you could get hopelessly lost in and wonder if they had shafts of sunlight trapped in them. 
          I pull myself out of the reverie, realizing that those same eyes were staring at me. I smile down at him, gloating silently.
"Well,  whats the problem? Are you having troubles getting up here?" I called down to him, giggling. 
He growls at me, frustrated yet teasing. He trots under a particularly dense thicket of branches and fir needles, where he's hidden from my sight. I smile, climbing higher but still there are only glimpses as fur is traded for skin and his scent changes into something more human though there was still the underlying wolf scent.
He calls up to me, his voice is a gentle baritone of wolf and man, combining into one beautiful symphony that sings to my soul. " Brace yourself, I'm coming for you Loanna."

          Then the dream ended, I wake up minutes later always filled with feelings of longing and sadness. Longing because I wanted it to be real. Sadness, because I knew it would never be. Usually, after the sadness faded a bit, I contemplated his last words, which always sounded more of a promise than a warning. Which made me wonder if he was real and if. . . and if. The thought would barely form before I cast it out as an idiotic idea but it would always be backed up by the fact that the wolf had grown up with me in my dreams. He a puppy and me a girl of only six, running through the woods, always bare foot, but that too was cast aside as a child's wish,of something that was only possible in my head. I buried my face in the pillow, disgusted with myself, it was time for me to grow up. I didn't need a knight in shining armor or rather, in this case a man in wolf's clothing. No what I needed was something real and I have something real.... I have a boyfriend.

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