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The resonating sounds of the gun-powder filled lead bullets ricocheting off the bulletproof walls of the safe-house. Paired along with the sound of those same bullets piercing through human flesh as the agonizing screams of pain are ripped from their victims. The sounds of a wimpering child would have been audible if not for the sounds of the brutal massacre going on right outside the door. Inside the room where two children of the age of eight, curled into one another, as if to protect each other from the world around them. "Cho, please you have to calm down. What if they hear you? You have to be quiet.", Sai whispered to her. Him being, technically, the older of the two twins and the brother he felt the need to comfort the sobbing body that was his only sister.

They where sent into the claustrophobia inducing safe-house when the attack had began by their grandfather. The sounds of the hailing gunfire died down and eventually halted all together. It became calm and quiet, but even so the young children knew better than to leave before their guardian came to retreve them. 1 minute passed, then 5 minutes, then 10. "Where's grandpa?", she whispered, "He would have came to get us by now. What if there is something wrong? What if he never comes?" As each word left her lips, the panic in her words became more and more prominant as tears rolled down her cheeks. Before Sai could even make an attempt to calm her they heard the sounds of a pair of feet running excitedly towards the door. The door swung open and the worried face of their grandfather. The calm look on his face was completely contradicting to the splatters of his enemies blood on his once pristine suit and face. The previously undetectable scent of spilled human blood streamed into the room emanating from the many deceased bodies littering the hallways. The scent was suffocating and it always made her sick to her stomach when she had to think about how many people had to be killed to create such a smell.

As the children ran into waiting arms of their grandfather as he held them close. He always did, he worried constantly about their well being, especially if something was to happen to him. He was snapped back in to reality when his granddaughter wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face into it. He smiled and held them close, "It's ok, I'm fine and I'm not going anywhere. And I swear on my life I will never let anything happen to you.", he said soothingly. He walked down the hallway, a child in each arm as he spoke calmly until Cho was able to calm down enough to sleep. He dropped them off in their room, tucking then into their beds, and placing kisses on their foreheads. "You did a good job protecting your sister. I'm very proud of you Sai.", he said before cutting out their light and closing the door behind him. He walked back to his office and ran his hand through his hair. He wanted them to have a normal childhood, to grow up like average children. But he knew it would never happen. "I'm so sorry, my children, I'm so very sorry.", he whispered an apology as he went and called for assistance to dispose of the bodies.


"Daehyun." a deep voice sounded, stirring the ten year old from his peaceful slumber. He sat up and rubbed his eyes sleeply and his eyes met the fierce gaze of his father, Jung ChungHee,. "Appa?", Daehyun asked wondering why his father woke him up so late at night. "Come with me.", he said as he turned to walk out of the room. Daehyun shot up and trailed after his father quickly, fearing that if he didn't he would awaken his father's wrath. They walked until they got to the door that led to their basement. The light from the open doorway shined over a man tied up and beaten so much that his face was almost unrecongnizeable. When daehyun saw the face of the man his eyes widened in shock. "Takahashi Aiko,", ChungHee stated with malice in his voice and a sadistic smirk playing on his lips. " Or, as you know him, Mr. Kim Hyo.", his smirk never faltering as he walked up to the bloodied man.

Hyo, or rather Aiko, was a man of about twenty-three, entrusted with keeping Daehyun safe and keeping him company so he wouldn't be tempted to get himself into trouble. Just earlier that day, the two had played around in the garden. "Mr. Aiko here has decieved you my son. He has used you to conspire against us to destroy our institution.", his father said slowly making his way over to the man. Aiko's was down, wheather it be from the pain or the shame he felt for letting down the little boy he had grown so close to. ChungHee pulled the gun that was holstered on his hip and placed it under Aiko's chin. "He has betrayed us, he was working for our enemy, he was working for the Yakuza The enitire time! And he was just USING you!",His voice was getting louder and louder with his ever growing anger. The look on his face going from sadistic to absolutely insane in a matter of minutes, but still Aiko remained quiet. "What's the matter? Could it be the self-confident and assured man I brought down here is weakened by the sight of a little boy that he has decieved?", he asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Doesn't the old saying go 'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer'?", Aiko voiced, his voice calm, but weak from the pain. "That is exactly, what I've done. I'm accepting my fate knowing that i've done well to serve the Yakuzua well." The smirk on ChungHee's face fell as the anger flooded his body. His body shook as he faced the object of his anger, when suddenly, almost instantaniously, he stopped and laughed. The laughter shocking both Daehyun and Aiko, as it grew in intensity growing more and more frightening. As he calmed down, he raised the gun to Aiko's forehead. "I must thatnk you for that. I haven't had a laugh like that in a while. It's a shame that your "usefulness" isn't going to be around anymore.", He stated as amusement covered his face. "Now I'm not completely heartless, I shall allow you to have your last words and I will relay the message.", ChungHee said tauntingly. Aiko remained silent for a few seconds as he lifted his head to staree at Daehyun's terrified face. "Not everyone will be here to bring you down, or to decive you always rememeber that Daehyun. I'm so sorry.", Aiko said before ChungHee pulled the trigger and ended his life with a single bullet to the head.

Tears started to slowly form in Daehyun's eyes, but he didn't dare to allow them to slip. For if his father had seen he would have been labeled weak in his eyes. Aiko had been his only friend and confidant as there were no children around to play with. " Never get to attached,", ChungHee whispered. Daehyun's eyes snapped to his father as the words left his mouth. "Because in the end, they always end up leaving or betraying you." He turned towards his son and grabbed his hand. "Always rememeber to choose who you side your loyalty with. Differentiate your friends from your enemies.", he said as they walked back to the child's bedroom. "Goodnight, I'll wake you up early tomorrow. We need to get some work done.", he stated turning his back on his son as he walked out of the room. "Ne, appa."

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