chapter 1

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Rentai's POV.

"AGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!! HOW THE HECK YOU GOT IN HERE?!?" I heard a woman yelled as she opened the bathroom door, but I couldn't answer cause I couldn't remember a thing of what happened or how I reached here,

All I know is that I'm covered in  clear slime from head to toe, a suit case is beside me also coverd in slime and this red substance coverd my hands,a metal comb is in my hand also coverd in blood and no cloths found in the suit case or anything, it was emty, and so was my rememderance right now. I was naked as a just born baby,I feel like I was just born too, I don't remember having a life before this and  I was slimy as a just born baby, and had the same red substance on my hands... what is this red thing???😔😩but I can't remember what happened, I only single thing I remember is a girl coverd in the same red that was on my hands. Thats it. Nothing else.


I realised the lady was sitting beside me as quite as ever and was looking at me with worried eyes.

"Hi, my name is  Wai, whats yours?" She asked kindly, but I didn't answer.

Why didn't I? Because I don't remember....and I don't know how to talk back. I guess I'll just listen and learn these things.

I looked up to see another lady with a big belly, I could hear two small hearts inside her, and her heart make it three hearts. I looked down on my self and sence only 11 hearts in me, nine of the hearts were glowing, two were normal like the lady's own.

She just opened the door and stared at me with shock but Wai explained to her how she found me here on the floor covered in slime and red with the suit case which, to be exact, had slime and blood on it. Well, thats what she called it.

Wait, I remember blood, its this red thing that comes out of your skin if you use somthing sharp.......

So this red thing is blood?!?, how did I got blood on my hands? Is my hands bleeding?

I looked around my hands and sniffed it, its not my blood......😨 wait, did I killed the girl I remembered!?!, she is the only one I remember  with blood on her.

Wait no....this is a man's, wait men's blood. Its more than one's blood.


"Hi there, my name is Teru, whats yo-"

"No Teru, she wont talk, I think she's in a shock for what happened to her or something" Wai cutted her off scratching the back of her head

"Well, this is my older sister,Teru, and as you can see, she's 8 months pregnant but the father died in battle. I'm taking care of her and her baby when needed. Since she lives alone here, I moved in with her so we live together and take care of each other, I am also a A-"

"GOD DAMN WAI!!! SHUT UP!, you talk too much for a freaking ANBU."

"want to join us? Or do you wish to see the hokage?" Wai asked ignoring Teru and curving her made me feel peaceful, what  was it called?

"Babies" I said looking at the girl that called her self wai.

"What?" Wai asked confused

"Its two...two, hearts...." I said trying to make sence of what I really was trying to say. Teru has two twins.

They looked at me with an expression I didn't understand,

"H-how do you know that?, are you sure?" Teru said kneeling down infront my slowly.

Her mouth was curved too. It looked pretty. I tried doing what she did with her lips but my lips wouldn't do it. Whats wrong with me? Why can't I do what she did with her mouth?

" sure....have three hearts in you. Two big." I said looking at Teru

"One heart you have" i said looking at wai, she curved her lips at Teru

"Ha!, I told you, I'm not pregnant, I'm just chubby" Wai said rubbing her tummy

"Your an amazing one are you?, do you wish to see the hokage?" She said, and just like that, I remembered something new.

An old man, his name is Hokage, I think I've seen him before.

I tried to remember more but then it turned black.


"Hey,hey!, get up!" I heard some one yelled


I opened my eyes to find my self on the bathroom floor still coverd in slime and still naked.

I remember an hokage, a lady and an old man. I remember the old man death by a man I can't see so clearly...... have I been here before?

I felt someone slap me across the face and i snapped my head at them, wai.

"Don't hit Teru again,you here me!" She yelled at me and that trigerd my anger so easily.

"Alone,leave-" I stopped when I realised a huge black smoke came out of my mouth  and rapped around teru and wai and chopped them up to chunks of body parts, not even letting them scream for how fast it happened.

I sat there in shock looking at the smoke vanish and the blood and the chopped up ladies on the floor

"No!" I shouted but instead, more smoke came out of my mouth and coverd the chonks of bodies and grinned it to muck.

I coverd my mouth and watched the smoke fade away again.

I didn't feel anything for them, and that scared me, how could someone do such thing and not leak water from her eyes or show any emotion? Whats wrong with me?!?

I calmed my self down and tried to talk again.

No smoke came this time.


😐hmmm, so If I'm angry or scared, my mouth would let out very thick smoky cloudy things and cut people......oh boy.......not good, and I have short temper...I need to control this. I hope I can.

😧 I guess I'll have to keep calm and try to find the hokage, in my memories It looked like I was there but he couldn't see me. He would be talking to someone else.

I got up and walked out the bathroom and out the front door...or was it the back door?.....ugh whatever, I only remember the hokage and a girl so maybe he knows who I am or somthing...

I looked aroung me and realized I was in a clear feild .... but the moon and stars looks beautiful from here.

I think I've seen them before. I liked them.

but I cant stay and watch....I have things to find out and a hokage to find.....but.......

Were should I even go?

I groaned and started mumbling  to my self as I let my feet take me to were it wanted to go......

😧this will take a while


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