In sickness and in health.

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I didn't proof read.

Allison in the MM.

Nina's Point Of View:

"Hey, how is she holding up?" Lina asked as she walked into the hospital room. I shook my head, wiping a tear from my face.
It's been two days, and her infection hasn't subsided.
There's more of a chance now that her organs can shut down and that she'll die in her sleep.
"They told me to be prepared." I sniffed. Lina's face dropped and she wrapped her arms around me and I started to cry.
"Sh..she'll be okay. You know Alice is a fighter. She will be okay."
I heard the doors open and I looked up to see the doctor.
"We're going to check to see if she's able for surgery." He said softly.
I watched as they observed her. Picking at her as if she was a lab rat.
"Okay, Mrs. Brown?" He asked.
"We're going to operate, because her white blood cell counts have elevated slightly. We're going to use extraordinary measures and be extra cautious during this surgery, because she is still infected, but we can't keep her open this long or she will die of organ failure." He breathed.
I started to cry again, watching as they took her out of the room.
"She'll be okay." Lina assured me.
Will she?

Six fucking hours.
It took six hours to know if my wife was okay.
"Okay, we were able to remove her appendix, but she has a really high fever still." The doctor stated.
"How bad is the fever?" Lina asked.
"It's one hundred and three."
"Fuck.." I hissed.
"If that goes any higher she can have a seizure. Even a stroke." The doctor mumbled. I groaned in frustration, covering my face. Lina's hand ran up and down my back as I tried to calm down.
"Can I see her?" I asked. He nodded and we followed him to the room.
Her body was red and clammy.
"Oh God." Lina gasped.
I walked over and touched her hand, staring at the tubes shoved down her throat, helping her breath.
"Come on, Alice. Come on." I hissed, the tears streaming down my face.
"Nina, look." Lina said, panicked. I looked at Alice's face and saw her eyes were open wide. They were red rimmed and she was staring at the ceiling.
"What Baby, can you see me?" I asked. I waved my hand in front of her face and she didn't budge.
Then her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her heart monitor going crazy as her body started seizing off the bed.
"DOCTOR!" Lina screamed. Alice was gripping the fuck out of my hand and then nurses rushed in, peeling her hand off mine.
"Please step out." The doctor said, before pulling the curtain.
I walked out, staring through the glass, my tears falling down my cheeks.
Then I felt it.
I felt the familiar feeling of my child's foot hitting my stomach and I touched my stomach, sobbing loudly.
"Nina? Nina are you okay?" Lina asked.
"My baby just kicked me." I cried. Her arms wrapped around me and I held onto my bestfriend for dear life.
"I can't lose her." I sobbed.
"You won't. She's a fighter. She'll be okay. She won't leave you here." Lina assured, rubbing my back.
I know she won't. But I'm still scared.
What if she does?

"Hey, doctor. How is she, today?" I asked as I walked into the hospital room.
"She's still not awake. But she did move her fingers today, which is a good sign." He grinned. I smiled sadly, feeling Jessica grip my hand tightly. Allison was quiet, her face dull as she stared at her mother laying in the hospital bed.
It's been a month. It's been a month and she's still not awake.
After she had her appendix removed, she had a brain hypoxia, which caused her to have the seizure because she was under anesthesia too long. Due to the lack of oxygen in her brain, they pronounced her brain dead, until they detected brain activity.
To say I almost had a heart attack was an understatement. After hearing she was brain dead, I lost it. I screamed that she wasn't dead and broke down until they had to sedate me. I woke up to large childish eyes staring down at me, and Lina told me about them finding brain activity and that she was still alive.
Breaking the news to the kids about their mom being in a coma for a little while was hard. Jessica didn't take it too well. She wakes up with nightmares, which ends up with her crying in my bed every night.
My poor baby.
I looked at Alice, touching my stomach as our son twisted around. If only she could feel what I was feeling.
Lina still didn't go into labor yet, which worries me a little. But she says her doctor said everything is perfectly fine and that she will soon go into labor and have her little pumpkin.
"Mommy, can I paint mommy's toes?" Jessica asked.
"Of course you can, baby." I smiled. She shot me a low smile and crawled onto the hospital bed.
Jessica was smaller than an average ten year old girl, thanks to me being smaller than average. She was small and slightly chubby, with red cheeks, big blue eyes and a curly Afro.
Justin sat in the corner, playing on his game device, ignoring everyone in the room. Allison texted away on her phone, dissolving from the world.
I kissed Alice's hand and moved her hair from her face.
"Hi baby." I breathed low enough for the children not to hear.
"I heard you moved your fingers, today. That means you're coming back to me, right?" I asked. I looked at her face and saw her eyes moving from under her lids.
That's the first.
"Alice?" I asked. She let out a soft moan and her body jerked up, her hand slamming on the bed in fists.
"Allison, go get the doctor!" I shouted as I slapped the red button so hard I felt my knuckles crack.
Alice's face was red as she tried yanking the tube from her throat.
"HURRY UP SHES CHOKING!" I screamed at the doctor.
He removed the tube from her throat and she gasped loudly, catching her breath.
She looked around, panicked, her eyes red and wide.
"Alice?" The doctor called. She looked over at him, her face filled with an innocence I've never seen before.
She looked like a child.
"I'm your doctor. How are you feeling?" He asked.
She stayed mute, looking around.
"Do you know where you are?" He asked. She nodded.
"Alice, baby, can you see me?" I asked. She looked over at me with a confused look on her face, before looking at Jessica. Alice licked her lips, letting out a cough.
The doctor checked her vitals and vision, before asking more questions.
"Can you speak for me?" He asked. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out.
"Oh no.." The doctor whispered, before looking at the nurse.
"Go set up for an MRI."
"Wait..what's going on?" I asked.
"I think she may be mute." He breathed.
Oh fuck.
"What?!" I shouted.
"I'm sorry. It's rare, but it happens. We'd like to run some more tests to see what's going on in her brain. We think she may have amnesia."
"Alice." I stated. She looked over at me, her eyes wide.
"Do you know who I am?" I asked. She nodded, a smile forming on her face.
"Do you remember our kids?" I asked. She nodded.
"Say something. Please." I breathed. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.
Fuck. This is bad.
"This is so bad. She's a teacher, dammit!" I hissed at the doctor.
"It may be temporary. It's why we need to run more tests." He said, sympathetically.
I growled at him, before nodding and looking at Alice. She was staring at me with love and innocence in her eyes and my heart melted.
I just wanted to kiss her face.
"Baby, did you hear that? They're going to run some tests on you." I breathed. She touched my hand, before lifting it up to her mouth and kissing it.
My heart fluttered and I felt the tears burn my eyes. I watched as they rolled her bed away, her eyes wide as she smiled and waved at the kids and I.
"Mom, is she okay?" Allison asked.
"Yeah. She's okay." I breathed.
"Are you okay?" Ally asked.
"Yeah." I exhaled. She rubbed my arm and smiled at me.
"Does this mean mommy can come home?" Jessica asked. I nodded.
"Thank God! I hate taking the school bus." Justin mumbled. I rolled my eyes and ruffled his hair.
After an hour, she returned into the room and we were now laying around. She ran her fingers through my hair and nuzzled her face into my neck.
"Your parents are at the house. They should be here soon, along with Lina and them." I stated. She nodded, her eyes glued to my lips.
"What?" I asked. She rubbed her nose against mine, before leaning in and kissing my mouth, sweetly. Like a shy little girl.
"Awww look at the love birds, reunited!" Lina squealed, wobbling over and hugging Alice. Alice smiled, waving at everyone as they walked into the room.
"Hey, how are you?" Yolanda asked her. Alice put her thumbs up.
"Why aren't you talking? You mad or something?" Lina asked. Alice shook her head, looking over at me.
"She's mute." I breathed. Yolanda's face dropped and she looked at Alice.
"Do you know if it's permanent?" She asked.
"They told me all the brain activity is normal. So we don't know." I mumbled. Alice rubbed my hand and shot me a sad smile.
"We bought snacks." Alex grinned. Alice giggled, staring at the large bags of candy in his hand.
We munched and watched movies until her parents came.
"So yuh a say, she cyaan speak?" My father in law asked. I nodded, Alice shooting her dad a sheepish look.
"Yeah, it may be temporary, though because everything in her brain is fine. They don't understand why she can't speak." I answered.
"Is it something psychological?" Her mom asked.
"That sounds like the best possibility, right now." I stated. We all looked at Alice and her cheeks were red as she looked around.
"It like she a pickney." Her dad grumbled.
"I know. But I know Alice is still there." I smiled, touching her hand.
A couple hours passed and Alice's parents took the kids home. Lina, londa, and Alex left and it was just us two. The lights were low, the low sound of the tv in the room.
"You get to come home, tomorrow." I breathed. She stared at my face with content, nodding.
"I missed you so much." I breathed.
'I'm sorry.' She mouthed.
"Don't blame yourself. You were sick. But now you're better, that's all that matters." I grinned. She touched my face and kissed me softly. I moaned lowly as our son kicked in my stomach.
"Look." I stated, taking her hand and placing it on my baby bump.
He kicked again and she grinned, kissing my shoulder.
"I think I know what we should name him." I breathed.
"Timothy. After my father." I stated. Alice stared at me with a look of adoration, before nodding her head. I leaned in and kissed her softly. She kissed me back and I deepened the kiss, moaning into her mouth. Her hands found my throat and she held my face to hers, sucking on my bottom lip. My fingers slipped under her hospital gown, caressing her thigh.
The beeping of the heart monitor increased but we ignored it, continuing to kiss.
Alice gripped my neck, biting down on my lip. She moaned softly against my mouth as my hands travelled closer and closer to where she needs me most.
"Are you o- woah, okay!" The nurses squealed as she walked out. I pulled away from Alice and looked at the door to see the nurses staring at us with wide eyes.
"I think we got our answer, Ashley." One of the nurses breathed. They bursted into giggles and I blushed, pushing my face into Alice's neck.
"Is everything alright?" The doctor asked as he walked in.
"Yeah." I said, clearing my throat. He looked between us, before looking at the giggling nurses.
"Her heart rate was off the roof just now." He stated.
"Yeah, about's nothing." The nurse grinned. I looked at Alice and she was shaking her head, her face red.
"Don't worry doc, I'll check her vitals." Nurse Ashley stated. The other nurses left along with the doctor and Ashley started the process, checking her vitals and temperature.
"Oh and a little advice, if you don't want a repeat of what just happened, I suggest you unplug the heart monitor and place it on the pillow." She said, winking, before walking out.
I giggled as Alice made a face and wrapped my arms around her.
"Just wait til we get home." I grinned. She rolled her eyes and smirked, before kissing me again.
We ended up falling asleep, entangled in each other.
"Well, good morning!" The doctor cheered, causing me to jump. Alice was still asleep, her face in my neck, her arms wrapped around me.
"Good morning." I yawned.
"How was your night?" He asked as he looked through her chart.
"Good. I know these beds are uncomfortable, but in a couple minutes, you'll be going home." He grinned. I smiled and shook Alice softly.
"Baby, get up." I breathed. Her eyes shot open and she smiled at me.
"Good morning. Are you ready to go home?" I asked. She nodded excitedly, the doctor laughing at her jolliness.
God I love her so much.
"Okay, here are the discharge papers. Sign here and here, and you're free to go."
I obeyed, handing him the papers and he smiled.
"Thank you!" I stated.
"What for?" He asked, confused.
"For saving my wife. You're an excellent doctor." I smiled. His face turned red and he turned around, walking away in a hurry. I looked at Alice and she was smiling down at me.
"Let's get you home."
After getting her situated and stealing a couple apple sauces, we were now in the car driving home.
"Okay, take it easy, baby." I breathed as I helped Alice walk up the stairs into the house.
"MOMMY!" Jessica screamed, running over to Alice and hugging her. Alice grinned and wrapped her arms around her daughter.
"Hey, mom." Allison grinned. Justin ran downstairs and hugged Alice along with his sisters and I stared, my face becoming hot as tears filled my eyes.
I can't deal.
"Ah, look who it is!" My mother in law grinned. Alice waved excitedly at her mom, a large childish smile on her face.
I've never seen Alice this way, before. I mean once in a while she'd act like a brat, especially when she was sick. But here is a new side to Alice. She looks so innocent, her large hazel eyes and large smile. Plus she can't talk.
I'm so used to her being so dominant and strong.
I guess it's my turn, now.
My father in law walked downstairs, dreads swinging, his large smile indicating he was excited to see his daughter.
Alice was literally bouncing.
It was so cute.
"Hey, princess." He grinned, opening his arms.
She hugged her dad tightly.
We all sat in the living room, Lina and Elly soon joining us. We socialized and talked, ate and laughed until it was late. Alice was dozing off on the couch as I cleaned up.
"Alice, are you alright?" I asked as I walked in the living room. Her face was buried between the couch cushions, her low snoring filling the living room.
I pulled my phone out and snuck a couple pictures, before tapping her shoulder.
"Let's go to bed, baby." I breathed. She sat up, her eyes low and drowsy. She shot me a loopy smile.
"Shut up. Let's go." I giggled. She stood slowly and I wrapped my arms around her waist and helped her walk to the elevator.
We took it to our room and she sat on the bed. I pulled her shirt off and slipped off her pants, before removing mine. I helped her into bed, and shut off the light, crawling onto the other side.
Her arms wrapped around me and our noses were touching. She looked at me with low hazel eyes, a smirk on her face, before leaning in to kiss me. I kissed her back, it becoming heated as our tongues touched. I moaned softly against her mouth as her hands travelled down my body, pulling me closer to her.
I guess she's not tired, anymore.
She climbed on top of me, kissing my neck. I moaned, holding her head as her kisses travelled down to my chest, taking my nipple in her mouth. I hissed, groaning lowly as her fingers found my other breast, tugging and playing with my other nipple.
I missed her so much.
"Babe.." I moaned. She looked up at me with lust filled eyes, her breathing heavy.
I woke up the demon.
All the innocence was gone, replaced by the sex goddess I know she is.
She's so damn sexy.
She kissed my stomach, before licking up my body until she reached my mouth, pulling my bottom lip with her teeth. Her fingers found my core and started to rub my clít. I arched in her hand, my legs spread wide as she kissed me. Our kiss was deep and long, her fingers deep inside me.
"F-fuck.." I moaned against her mouth. She moved her fingers faster and my eyes rolled back.
My chest was moving up and down rapidly as I panted against her mouth.
"I'm gonna cum." I whimpered. She kissed me again and curled her fingers inside me and I lost it, my legs shaking as I came all over her fingers.
Alice pulled her fingers from inside me and looked at them. They were coated in my juices. It dripped down her fingers.
She put them in her mouth and sucked them clean, before leaning down to kiss me. I kissed her back, my hands running across her body.
"Let me show you how much I missed you." I breathed into her ear.
To say I did was an understatement.
She was arching off the bed, her legs shaking so much I had to hold them open as I devoured her.
Her moans and whimpers were driving me crazy. I watched as she pulled the pillow over her face so she can keep quiet.
I didn't stop even when she came. I kept going, pushing my fingers inside her as my tongue worked over her bundle of nerves. I tasted every part of her, staying put as she tried pushing my head away.
"Oh God, Nina please!" She moaned.
I froze, looking up at her.
She spoke.
She fucking spoke.
I continued going and she moaned again, cumming all over my mouth and fingers. I wiped my face and sat up, looking at her.
"You spoke." I breathed. She tried talking again but nothing came out.
" you can speak during sex, but not like normal?" I asked. She shrugged, her face in a frustrated frown as she tried speaking.
'I don't understand.' She mouthed.
"Maybe it is something psychological." I stated grimly. She huffed, covering her face with her hands.
"It's okay. We'll get to the bottom of this. Your voice is still here, baby." I said, wrapping my arms around her. She sighed and looked at me with red rimmed eyes.
Will we get to the bottom of this?

sorry for the late update, I've been going through some stuff. But merry Christmas, and happy new year, everyone! Thank you for all your support. I know this chapter was dumb but drama will be coming! Hang in there with me. xxx

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