Florida Kilos.

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Elly in the MM.

Allison's point of view:

"Are you ready?" I asked Elly as I watched her close her suitcase.
"Hell yeah, baby. I'm so excited!" She squealed. I rolled my eyes and grabbed her suitcase.
It's been a few weeks since mom number one has been out the hospital. It's weird not hearing her voice. She's been going to speech and physical therapy.
Mom number two is very pregnant. Her stomach is growing rapidly, and I was so excited to meet my little brother, soon.
Aunt Lina still didn't go into labor, and everyone is concerned, but her.
We were now leaving for our trip to Florida. I was so happy that Eileen and aunt Lina were coming with us.
"Okay, people! Let's go!" Mom number two yelled. We all went downstairs and slipped into the uber.
"Man..this is about to be amazing. I can feel it in my bones!" Aunt Lina shouted.
"Hell yeah!" Mom number two exclaimed. Mom number one shook her head, a small smile on her face.
My phone chimed and I looked down.
'I'm gonna miss you, babe. You have a safe trip, don't do nothing crazy. I love you.'
My face heated up as Elly 'awwwwed' so loud, everyone turned and looked at me.
"Shut up." I hissed.
"What y'all whispering about over there?" Aunt Lina asked.
"Nothing, mom." Elly grinned.
This is going to be a long trip.

"It's so beautiful in here. Jesus." Aunt Lina cooed as we walked into the villa. The cool air felt good on my skin as I sat down on the couch.
It's so damn hot here.
As soon as I got off the plan I started sweating.
"Ally, get up! We got things to do!" Elly screamed.
I frowned and looked over at mom number one. She shrugged and smirked, before walking away.
Thanks, mom.
I huffed and sat up, following Elly to our bedroom.
"Okay, what do you wanna do first?" She asked.
"What do you want to do, Elly?" I asked, crossing my legs.
"Let's go smoke on the beach." She grinned.
"Fine. Let me take a shower." I stated grimly.
"Ally, what's gotten into you?! You were so excited to come here, and now you're all..blasé." Elly scolded. I looked at Elly with a blank face.
"I have cramps." I mumbled.
"Me too. But I'm not pouting about, and shit. Get up, and go shower. Shit, I'll shower with you. Let's go!" She screamed, pulling me off the bed. I groaned, walking into the bathroom.
After showering and being groped by my best friend, we were now in our bikinis. We walked downstairs and aunt Lina whistled.
"Look at you both! Put a towel over your asses! Ally, you barely have anything on." Aunt Lina stated. Mom number one eyed us warily.
Thank GOD she can't talk.
Because I would've heard it.
My bikini was navy blue, the triangular bra covering my nipples. My bikini bottom was thin, but hid my spots, perfectly.
"Ally. You are not walking out of the damn house with that on!" Mom number two yelled.
"It's the only one I packed." I stated. She glared at me, before walking away, mom number one following her tail.
"Let's go." I hissed, grabbing Elly's hand.
We walked to the beach, hand in hand, laughing and carrying on.
"Ugh I wanna be as tanned as I was in Jamaica." I stated.
"You looked so good!" Elly exclaimed, laying next to me on the sand.
I started to roll a spliff, bopping my head to the music was playing, when a shadow overtook us.
"Where'd the sun go?" I asked. Elly stayed quiet, and I looked over, before looking up.
Two men stood above us, staring down at us.
"May I help you?" I asked.
"Yeah, my bro thought you were cute and wanted to talk to you."
"Sorry, she's taken!" Elly chirped.
"By who?" The man asked, looking around like a dickhead.
"By me." She grinned, touching my face. I nodded, sitting up with her.
The two men looked between each other before looking at us, again.
"Prove it. I know you girls lie about that just to avoid us boys." He scoffed. I smirked and looked over at Elly. She took my sunglasses off my face and leaned in and kissed me softly. I kissed her back, deepening the kiss, our tongues touching.
"Jesus...Christ.." One of them moaned. I pulled away before Elly got carried away and smiled.
"Bye bye, now." I grinned.
"I literally hate everyone that isn't you or our boyfriends." Elly grumbled.
"Fucking same. I'm tired of everyone." I sighed.
That's all I've been feeling, lately. Tired. Despondent. Every human in the world makes my skin crawl.
Except for Elly and Terrance, of course.
My family isn't included, either.
But every time I'm in school, looking around and watching everyone interact, this existential feeling of irritation and the need to run away fills my stomach.
I sighed and lit my spliff, inhaling as much as I could.
"I want to get turnt for this vacation. Like nearly dead, kind of turnt." Elly stated.
"Let's do it. I'm for it." I grinned. I inhaled from my spliff again and handed it to her.
I watched as my best friend inhaled, the smoke coming out her nose and mouth.
"I could really go for a pina colada." I sighed.
"I have my fake ID. Always got to be prepared."
I shook my head, chuckling lowly.
Man, I love this girl.
After smoking and getting our drinks, we were now walking on the beach, our fingers linked. We took pictures and videos of eachother.
"Lonzo is calling!" Elly squealed, answering the FaceTime call.
"Hey, babygirl." He grinned.
"Hi daddy! I miss you!" She pouted.
"I miss you too, girl. Hey princess." He greeted me.
"What's up?"
There was shuffling and the screen went black, before a face popped up.
My heart skipped a beat as the boy I loved smiled into the camera.
"Hey baby! How is it out there?!" He asked, his blood shot eyes low and squinting into the screen.
"It's good, Alonzo, please don't drug my boyfriend." I stated. Alonzo's laugh filled the background and Terrance laughed into the screen.
"Don't worry, princess. He's worst than me!" Alonzo chuckled. I rolled my eyes and handed Elly her phone.
A couple hours passed and Elly and I stumbled into the house, high and drunk out of our minds.
"What were you two up to? Huh?" Aunt Lina asked.
"Nooooooothin." Elly dragged, walking toward the kitchen.
"I could go for some fried chicken right now." I moaned, looking in the fridge.
"Yooooo let's make some." Elly suggested.
"See...this is why I love you." I hiccuped.
We were so intoxicated.

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