One day at a time

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I look at my alarm clock with total disgust, as 6:45 blinks on it. I roll out of bed and can already hear the twins arguing for the bathroom. I walk out of my room and come face to face with the morning conflict.

Jarod and James the twins fighting over the only upstairs bathroom. This happens every morning between these two. Lucky for me being the only girl I have a bathroom in my bedroom. Finally Jarod wins the fight, he runs into the bathroom and locks the door. "Can I use your bathroom Sister?" James asks me in defeat . I shrug it off with a nod, mostly because James is my favorite, the only good thing that came out of this marriage. I walk down to the kitchen and Mom and Ron are sitting at the table enjoying there coffee.
"Good Morning my Sunshine!" Ron says as i enter the kitchen.
I close my eyes as i open the fridge and make a face, I hate that he try's to be my dad and call me that. He is not my dad.
"Morning Ron." I say.
"You think you can take the boys into school today, your mother and I have something's we need to get done, it would be greatly appreciated."
I shrug, "Yeah, I can"
"Thanks daughter" Ron says.


I stand by the open door and yell for the 100th time. "Jarod and Jarvis if you guys do not get out here you will not have a ride to school."
I look to James for support. "Bad day already sis" James says.
"You get me buddy" I say. I reach over and  mess up his hair.

The ride to school was no walk in the park either. "Jarvis if you kick the seat one more time, I'm gonna punch you in the face" Jarod yells from the front seat.
"Boys stop we are almost there" I yell.
I park my car in the parking lot and open my door.
"James I'll pick you up after practice tonight, Jarod and Jarvis Ron is picking you guys up. Have a good day boys." I say as I walk off.


The day goes on as usual, lunch being my favorite subject. I put my trey down at the lunch table, with my friends; Toby, Sammy, Nicole and Danny. The friends I've made since I've gotten here. Nicole is my bestfriend, she is beautiful; Blonde hair, blue eyes, big boobs and thicc. She is pretty much perfect.
"So who has a date for prom!" Nicole sings loudly!
Danny says "I got a few to pick from so we will see."
Danny is kind of a player but he hates to be called that, he says his dark hair and dark eyes with his bad boy look just pulls the girls in.
I look around the table. I shrug. " I'm not even going"
Sammy reaches across the table and punches me right in the arm, I flinch and grab my arm in pain. "Ouch" I yell "what the heck!"
"Don't talk crap, yes you are going" she says.
Sammy has a soft side but you would never know unless you know her, she plays for the lacrosse team and beats most the boys in practice. She is a fire ball with black hair and green eyes. She protective of us and her bold build make in more overpowering.
"Whatever" I say back to her.
"Ava you still coming over after school to study?" Danny says.
"Yeah Spanish is gonna be the death of me if I don't." I say.
Nicole does a silent wink to me from across the table and a roll my eyes and continue to eat, the rest of lunch goes by fast.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2016 ⏰

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