Drama part 2

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...gives me a hug. We pull away and I look at her. Her long hair flows down her shoulders and her brown eyes look at me. I didn't see her for the past 2 years and I'm really glad to finally see her again. We met at an underground party, over 6 years ago, since then, we've grown really close, to where I see her as a sister. There are many people that know her as CL, but to me she's just Chaelin-unnie.

"Chaelin-unnie...what are you doing here?" I ask her curiously.

"Oh...you know...just having dinner with Ha-rin...and I saw you running out, so I followed you." She says sincerely. I look at her and nod. After that, we stay in silence, before unnie decides to speak again.

"So...why did you run out?" she asks.

I look at her and sigh "Suzy is inside with uncle and the others. She suddenly decided to tag along to our dinner meeting and after we ordered our food, she apologized about what she did at that time...and I just...lost it."

"Hm...that's weird, why would she apologize to you so late? I mean, it's nearly 4 years since your break up, she broke your heart with what she did and it didn't seem to bother her at all. So why apologize to you now?" she asks me.

"I don't know. Maybe she found it in her heart and wanted to apologize or she regrets what she did and wants to get us both back together?" I question.

The both of us begin to think about various possibilities. We think for about 7 minutes, as unnie asks me to leave it be and come back inside. Inside she asks me if I wanted to sit with Ha-rin and her.

"That would be great, but I think I'll go back to the others. Do you want to come to my apartment later? You know...to catch up and everything." I ask her hopefully.

"Okay. And I'd love to come over, I'll be there at..." she looks at her watch "...at 9pm." she says and we hug goodbye.

I walk back to the others, as I get there, they are all eating and talking. They stop what they are doing as they see me. No one dares to speak, so I just walk over to sit down. Suzy isn't there anymore, I guess she left after our little talk. Once seated, I begin to eat my food. The silence continues on for about 2 minutes, because our monkey can't take it anymore.

"Okay. How can she just say sorry after what she did to you? I mean it broke your heart and she thinks a simple sorry can cut it? What the Hell?!" he gets loud at the last sentence.

"I really don't know what she thought, but let's just leave it, okay?" I say trying to calm him down.

"But-"he begins, but I cut him off.

"Jackson, just leave it, okay? I'm not going to forgive her for what she did, but it was 4 years ago, it's in the past, we should try to forget it and move on." I say in a mature tone. He looks at me questioningly.

"You're saying we should forget and move on, but you say, you won't forgive her, isn't that part of moving on?"

"Not necessarily. I'm just going to forget what I had with her, with that I'll forget her hurting me and the way I knew her." I state.

Everyone looks surprised at my statement, but they don't say a word. We eat in silence after that. Sometime later, some of the others start talking with each other again, I, on the other hand, don't want to talk with anyone, so I stay silent and listen to the others. At 5 minutes before 7pm, we finish eating and uncle pays the bill. We all walk out and towards the cars. I stand beside the car and wait for everyone to climb inside their cars. What I don't expect, is that uncle wants me to take one of the girls back to the dorm and that is...

To be continued...

A/N I hope you guys liked it! 'til next time~

Words: 706

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