Music bank

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A/N Bold=English, Italic=Thoughts


...Jackson. I stop and stare at him. He looks at me and smiles.

"Ah...Y/N! Sorry, did I wake you up?" he asks me.

"Yeah, you did. What are you doing here anyway?" I question him.

"I wanted to pick you up, because we're going to Music bank and there are people you probably want to see again." He tells me enthusiastically.

"Like who?" I ask him curiously, wanting to know who's going to be there.

"Like BTS, F(x), Ailee and Sistar!" he says, making me glow brightly.

"I didn't see them in so long! Let's go right now!" I nearly scream and make my way back to my bedroom. Walking to the closet, I hear Jackson shout my way.

"We need to be there at 9 am, Y/N/N! We still have tons of time!" I stop and look at the clock on my nightstand. It says 7.12 am.

"That is not tons of time, Jackson! We need to be there in less than 2 hours!" I shout back and proceed in getting dressed. Once I finish, I walk back to Jackson, who is lazily sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Let's go, you Monkey or we'll be late!" I tell him and grab his arm, dragging him towards the door. Outside, we walk towards his car and get inside. Driving for at least 20 minutes, we arrive at the building at 8 am. I look around the parking lot and spot a restaurant on the other side of the street, than I look at Jackson and tell him.

"We still have 1 hour until we need to be there, so how about we grab breakfast at that restaurant over there?" I say while pointing at it.

"Sure. Let's go!" he says and gets out of the car. I get out too and follow him towards the restaurant. When we get there a lot of people stare at us, I can see a group of 4 girls wanting to walk over to talk to us, but decide it is the best to leave us be. Jackson and I walk to a table at the window and sit down. A waitress brings us the menu and leaves. I look through the menu and find myself wanting the Sweet potato rice and Jackson says he wants the Kimchi fried rice. The waitress comes back and we tell her our orders, she nods and leaves again saying that our food will be ready in a bit. As we wait we talk about many things, one of them being girls.

"So...did you find someone special while you were overseas?" he asks me, with a smirk playing on his face.

"No, I didn't find one. But...I had some flings." I tell him and his smirk grows.

"Ohhh...someone had fun while they were away!" he states and punches my shoulder lightly.

"Yeah, but you know, I'd really like to find THE one soon, because I'm getting kind of lonely." I tell him sadly.

"Believe me she is nearer than you think." He says with his charming smile. Before I can ask what he means the waitress arrives with our food. We thank her and continue our talk.

"What do you mean by that?" I asks him curiously.

"Just that she might be right next to you without you knowing!" he says smiling at me.

'He has a point' I think to myself and begin to eat. We eat in silence, before some girls ask for a picture with Jackson, which he gladly accepts. As we finished our food, we pay and leave for the Music bank building. In front of the doors are many paparazzi wanting to take pictures of us, Jackson and I stand in front of them posing with funny faces at times and after a few minutes we walk past them into the building. Inside, we walk towards the elevator and I push the up button. As we wait for the elevator to arrive, someone pets my shoulder, making me turn around. Once I look at the source, a bright smile breaks out on my face, because I didn't see that person in a long time. They are one of my best friends, one I really adore since I got to know them, because of their truly good personality. It's...

To be continued...

A/N I hope you enjoyed it! And a Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you'll get many presents and have a wonderful day!

Words: 749

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