What Suzy Said (Brimmy)

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"Jimmy! You're gonna drop me!"  Kenna screamed, kicking and flailing her little arms. Jimmy laid on his back and threw the six year old up in the air and caught her with ease.

"Kenna you're like two pounds. How the he-" McKenna gasped and covered the boy's mouth as she sat on his stomach. He rolled his eyes and pulled her hand away. "I was gonna say heck you dork." Kenna giggled, smiling widely.

Jimmy absolutely adored the little girl. Being best friends with her brother since she was born, they spent a lot of time together. McKenna as she got older only grew fonder of Jimmy, and as a six year old, didn't see any reason not to the love the hyper boy to death. She would often ask about him to Suzy and pester her way into getting her mother to call Jimmy and ask him to pick her up. There was never a time that he said no.

McKenna was too little to notice, but Jimmy had been around a lot more because he and Brian had started going out. At the moment she was at Jimmy's little apartment having her little play date, but of course her older brother would be there soon as well.

Brian was at school. He only goes for a few hours after work and then goes back to Jimmy's place and "crashes" there. He didn't really like the idea of living together, because that was a commitment he wasn't ready for. He was only twenty, so he knew he had time to figure things out and keep things simple for now.

"Jimmy can we go to the park?" Kenna asked, looking up at Jimmy with puppy dog eyes.  He couldn't say no now even if he wanted to. The little pout always got her what she wanted. It was something she picked up from her brother, who's also had the same effect on Jimmy.

"You don't want to wait for Brian? He's just a baby, K. He can't be home alone. Remember what happened last time?" McKenna giggled at the messy haired boy's words. Last time Brian was left alone he almost caught the house on fire. The time before that he almost killed himself by dropping his straightener in the sink.

In short, Brian was not to be left unattended in his boyfriend's home. Ever.

"Oh I know what we can do!" McKenna announced. She crawled off of Jimmy's chest and over to the TV stand.

In the cabinets of the TV stand, there were coloring books, crayons, and paper. She grabbed some paper and a purple crayon and quickly got to work, scribbling words down.

"How do you spell stole, and giant?" She asked, looking at Jimmy for answers.

"S-t-o-l-e. G-i-a-n-t."

Jimmy watched McKenna work. Her tongue poked out of the corner of her mouth as she focused. Another thing she did like her brother.

"How do you spell Junior?" Jimmy chuckled, collecting that the note was about none other than Brian.

"You can just write J-r with a period at the end."

"Perfect! Its perfect come see!" Kenna yelled, waving Jimmy over excitedly. He got up from his spot on the couch and walked over to coffee table and looked over the girl's shoulder to see her work.

Brain Elwinn Haner Jr.,

I stole your giant. If u want him back u have 2 meet me at the park imediatly! I will trade him for 1 hour of u pushing me on the swings.



Jimmy chuckled as he read the little girl's note. But he pretended it hurt his feelings. He sniffled and covered his eyes.

"What's wrong, Jimmy?" She asked.

"Y-You, you called me a giant. That's m-mean. And you're trading me for a s-swing set." He stuttered, turning away so she wouldn't see him smile.

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