Elastics (Brimmy Imagine)

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Imagine Brian while he had long hair always losing hair elastics in his house and getting pissed off when he can't find any. So, good boyfriend Jimmy picks them up when he finds them and wears them on his wrist for when Brian needs one. Brian doesn't wear his hair up in public but when he's home or in the studio its always up and underneath his skull beanie that Jimmy always makes fun of him for.

"Its knitted! It looks like a little old lady going through a hardcore phase made it!"

When Brian's hair is down, however, Jimmy is always toying with it. Either running his fingers through it and admiring the slight curls and waves it has, and how his hair is slightly red at the tips from the faded dye and his natural hair bleeding through, or twisting and braiding small sections of it together.

Then of course, along with toying with his hair came the pulling. Brian hated the cliché but couldn't help the small moans that would escape his lips when Jimmy tugged on the hairs at the base of his neck. Jimmy knew B hated it, but he personally loved it.
I've never written an imagine forgive me. I just liked the thought and didn't want to write out a whole one shot on just Brian's hair (which I would do but no one would actually read it).
So yeah, that's that

-J (This was written in 2017, watch me write about Brian's hair 2018)

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