Better than Revenge

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Warning. This is going to be very confusing and very weird. 

Ok. Ok. Ooooookaaaaaaaay. Can we just stop and aperciate the authors wit for a second? I mean, lord she/he can write some snappy comebacks. Even I was thinking on some of them: Dang.

Anyway. For starters, this book is just plain AWESOME. The Characters are well developed, the humor is amazing and the backstory makes sense and isn't too weepy weepy. Also, the engenius way that she told it got clapping from me. 

Sophia, "Soapy" Hastings

Where to I start? I have no idea but I'll try my best.

Can we award her Best Comebacks Under Pressure? She said some comebacks that I haven't even heard before, so props on that. 


Even though we all know that she is going to fall in Love with Mister Pain-In-The-Butt, it's very gradual. And, for once, THE GIRL DOESN'T ADMIT IT FIRST. She actually doesn't believe him at first and said, (not really) Nuh uh! You are lying! 

Plus, when he declared he liked her, SHE GAVE HIM HIS KARMA BACK.

 Personally,  I was a little disappointed that they didn't date right then and there, but then the story would've went down hill... the authors ending was better

And oh God... the voice mail... The bullet part... I think I died and somehow was able to keep reading

Ok, Spoiler is done you can look now

Christian "Chrissy" Ryder

Well, I have a lot of things to say about him. 


No comeback ability what so ever

Congratulations Ryder, you won narcissist of the year!

Just no...

I hate his guts

I love him

(This is sounding a lot like I hate you I love you)

Can sometimes be sweet, which I find very annoying because I'm busy trying to hate him.

Most of the time I want to wring his neck. Really.

Well that's nice to get it out of my system

Oh, one more thing.

Chrissy is very annoying and some what entertaining because of his inability to give a snappy comeback.

Tori "Insane best friend" I-Don't-Know-Her-Last-Name

Tori, tori, tori. You made the book cringe and yet funny and I thank you for that. Enough said.

Frank "Thong Guy" I-Forgot-his-Last-Name

From the moment I met him, I swear, I wanted him to go die in a hole. But first, get humiliated which, THANK YOU AUTHOR, I got.

Controlling much? (But to be fair, when he tried to grab Soapy's wrist, she almost broke his arm which I think he deserved.)

Nothing else to say except Frank, You look horrible in a red thong. Cover up please.

Dedicated to the fabulous author, TheFlamingPopsicle

P.S. Your username is awesome

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2017 ⏰

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