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Alexander was gorgeous in a deep green peacoat. His hair hung loose around his face, a striking change from the messy ponytails he seemed to favor. He was sat on a bench, tapping away at his phone. I only realized he was texting me when I got a message asking where I was. I giggled and texted him back.
Me: Look up.
He complied, smiling when he saw me. "Hey, John." I grinned back, smoothing down my own blue jacket. "Hi, Alexander." I gestured around the outdoor rink. "So, ice skating. Never been." Alexander's right eyebrow raised. "Really? Glad your first time is with me."
I started giggling as he realized what he'd said. "Plenty of time for that later." I teased, winking at him.
"The skates are over here." He replied, effectively changing the topic, strolling in the direction of a small booth near the door of the rink. He kindly helped me pull on the skates and lace them up. I wobbled back and forth as I stood, walking shakily to the door of the rink and accepting Alexander's arm, which he held out to me as we stepped onto the ice.
"Whoa!" I exclaimed, nearly toppling backwards. I reached for the wall, my heavy mittens slipping on the wet, slick surface. Alexander stood steady as a rock, a tiny, amused grin gracing his face. Finally, I gained my balance. "Ready to move?" Alexander asked me. I nodded, and he pushed off gracefully with one foot, sending us both gliding gracefully over the ice. Could this man do everything?
Well, there's something, or rather someone, he could do if he wanted.
Shut up.
As my feet began to find their rhythm, I began to move more without Alexander's help. We started talking. I learned that green was his favorite color, that he moved here from the Caribbean three years ago, when he was seventeen (but he wouldn't say why). I learned that he loved to sing, act, and write, and he worked for George Washington Publishers. My god, no wonder he was always so busy. He preferred cats over dogs, books over their movies adaptations, and coffee over tea (yeah, there's a shocker).
I was so engaged in our conversation that I didn't even notice when it started to snow. I only noticed when I saw the flakes landing on Alexander's head, decorating his long, dark hair. Beautiful.
"You say something?" Alexander asked, turning to me. I shook my head, blushing as I realized I'd said it aloud. Alexander smirked, stopping. I stopped too, pulling him to face me. "I could've sworn you called me beautiful." I raised my chin, grinning playfully. "Nope." He leaned towards me. "Well that's just a damn shame." He breathed. "I was about to tell you the same thing."
Really, at that point, I should've seen the kiss coming, but somehow it was still a total shock. Still, it didn't take long for me to kiss Alexander back.
It was like a scene from a movie. At this point, the sun was setting, so we were the last two people on the ice. Snowflakes fluttered down around us. I dug the point of one skate into the ice to keep me from falling, as my knees were going delightfully weak with the giddiness of the moment.
Unfortunately, human lungs can only go so long without oxygen, so we had to pull away. Alexander was more beautiful than ever before, his cheeks and lips flushed, his hair waving gently in the wind. He beamed at me, breathless. "This was fun." He said, smiling. "Let's do it again sometime."

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