The Finale Part 2

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"W-What?" Discord stammered, his eyes wide and his ears flattened. "But Star? You seem to be so happy with me..."

"I was but for the wrong reasons." Star explained. "I loved being the wife of the Element of Chaos and the power that came with it was unlike anything I experienced. It felt even better than being Mewni's Princess! But I didn't love you."

"I thought I did..." Star's voice broke and tears fell down her face. "Tell our kids to let down the magic layer and take Marinette and take her to your dimension. The Changelings won't think to look there."

"And what about the rest of our children?" Discord asked.

"They were never supposed to be born." Star told him. "They will be getting the fate they deserve."

"I can't believe you'd say that." Discord whispered. "Children! Let down the magic layer!"

They did so with concern in their eyes. It turned into shock when Discord grabbed Marinette and snapped his fingers, the two disappeared in an instant.

"Where's Dad going?" Discord Jr. asked nervously.

"Why did he take Marinette? What's going to happen to us?" Chanel panicked.

Star ran out of the Mansion and stood before hundreds of Changelings and several beaten and terrified ponies. Queen Chrysalis's eyes gleamed with satisfaction once she saw Star.

"Bring your children here!" Queen Chrysalis snarled. "My Changeling spies said there's four of them and I expect all of them here!"

"I told my husband that I didn't love him and he took one child and disappeared from Equestria." Star explained. "I never loved that one. She was so soft and gentle."

Princess Celestia ran into the Mansion and came back out with Star's three children frozen still with a magic spell. The Princess flew onto Queen Chrysalis's cloud with Star's children still frozen in a bubble.

"Someone bring Star here too." Queen Chrysalis ordered as she put black collars on each of her children. "These collars enfused with Changeling magic should keep these monsters from using their Draconequus powers."

"No!" Nightingale cried in despair. Two pegasi carried Star onto the cloud and two Changelings hooked the collar onto her as well.

"We should definitely kill the loud one first." Queen Chrysalis spat, pointing one hoof at Nightingale. "Changelings! Make sure Star doesn't close her eyes! She needs to see her disgusting hybrid children get killed one by one!"

Star saw the Changelings staring at her intently to make sure her eyes were only looking at Queen Chrysalis standing over the terrified purple pony hybrid before she slammed her hooves into Nightingale's skull.


Marco winced as he heard Star's daughter cry out and blood spattered from every side of the cloud above Ponyville. He didn't want this to happen! Queen Chrysalis would still bring destruction in her wake even after three of Star's children were killed.

Wait! Fluttershy's in a cage in the Everfree Forest! I can find her instead of watching this horrible act.

Fortunately most of the Changelings were on the cloud with their Queen so Marco could sneak out of Ponyville, and he was right at the forest's entrance when he nearly screamed when he felt a hoof on his shoulder till the hoof covered his mouth.

"Relax! It's only the great and powerful Trixie!" Trixie whispered. "I have to go to y'know, my marefriend is stuck in that cage!"

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