Chapter 1

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               "Hurry!" Someone shouted to me. I think it was my mom. We were all running, but I was being left behind. We were getting closer to the forest, where the hunters couldn't bring their things, with the huge wheels. We ran into the forest, and we were finally safe. Or so I thought, and of course I was wrong. The hunters got off their things, and then started chasing us on foot. "Great,", my alpha Carian, said and told us to keep running. So we did. But as we were running, I got shoved to one side, and crashed into a tree.  My pack didn't notice, and kept running. I knew I had only one more option. The hunters were getting closer, so I ran, no longer knowing what was in store for me, straight off the paths, into the middle of the woods.  I looked behind me, to see if the hunter was coming this way, but he wasn't. All of the sudden, pain seared through my head, and the last thing I heard was a howl, probably from my long gone pack. 

               "Is she breathing?" I heard voices. "Oh, I think she's getting up!" "Go get Storm!" Said another voice. "Okay," said a female, then I heard her running away.  I blinked open my eyes, to see a gray wolf standing above me. Umm...hi?" I said. "Hi, I'm-". Another wolf walked up, this one was black, with a scar running down his muzzle. There was a gray wolf, female, with brown speckles. The male one turned to look at me.  "I am the Alpha," he said, "and my name is Storm."  "This is Rain, she is my mate," he said signaling to the female beside him, "and the pup by you, I think you two will get along nicely, is Gray." he finished. "I-I-I'm Kara," I said. "Ok, thanks" he said. "I've got to go now, but Grey will stay with you." "Ok," I said. "I'll be here when you come back." I smiled. "Great," he said, then left.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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