Next Stop

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(Taylor's POV)

"The next event is in..." He paused

everyone got really happy. I've always wanted to go there!

"I also have a surprise for shawn!"
Shawn got excited and perked up

"Since your family lives in Canada and you haven't seen them in a while Magcon paid to fly them out to Texas!"
Shawn got the biggest smile on his face and ran to hug Bart.

"Oh and Carter?"


"You're family will be there too" Bart said happily

"Okay that's it. You guys can do what you want. Just please don't destroy this bus." After he said that he walked off the bus and into the staff bus and then our bus started to move.

"Alright let pick bunks!" Nash shouted

"There's 13 of us and there's 16 bunks"
The bunks were like cubby holes in the sides of the bus.

"I'll assign the beds" Megan stood up and said

"No you won't!" I said

"Yes I am!"

"No I am!"
We were arguing for 10 minutes about it.

"I say we vote" Eva Said

"Okay. Raise your hand for Megan" I told them and every single hand went up. Including Ryanns.

"My own girlfriend." I Scoffed an she laughed

"I like Megan better" Ryann laughed even more once she said that and she hugged Megan.

"Fine." I pouted
So Ryann came over and hugged me and kissed me right on the lips.

"Better?" she asked

"A little" I smirked and tried to get more out of her but she pushed me away and walked back to Megan. Rude.

"Okay well the top bunk is mine and the next one down is Ryann's and the last one down is Eva's. Now the rest of you fend for yourselves." All three girls laughed and jumped in their bunks so they could sleep.
The rest of us picked out bunks and went to sleep as well.

--------------2 hours later-----------------
(Ryann's POV)
I woke up and looked at the time. It's only 7:00. Everyone else was a sleep so I woke up Megan, Aaron and Eva. I told them what I wanted to do. I went into Cameron's bag and grabbed his shaving cream. Megan went to Hayes, Eva went to Shawn, Aaron went to Nash, and of course I went to Taylor. We all put cream on our hands and woke up Carter so he could film the quad smack cam.

"3" once I said three we all pulled back their bunk curtains and smacked them in the face.

They all yelled and jumped out of their bunks. Hayes took the cream off his face and put it all over Megan. Shawn took the bottle of cream and sprayed it all over Aaron. Cameron just wiped all his cream off and went back to sleep. Then Taylor grabbed my waist and wiped his face all over my face.

"I don't like you." I said and started to walk to the bathroom but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him.

"Yes you do" and he kissed my lips then let me go. I went to my suitcase and grabbed everything I need for the bathroom and some comfy clothes
I went into the bathroom and got a shower. After my shower I wrapped my towel around me and washed my face and put my wet hair in a messy bun. Then I put on my yoga pants and some grey boot slippers and I put on my favorite blue metallic sports bra that says 'sucks to suck' with my 'Born To Be A Volleyball Princess' shirt. I have that shirt because I play volleyball if you didn't know that. I'm also a competitive cheerleader and a gymnast. Since I'm on this tour for the summer I have to take a break from them all. But I'll got back to them after summer. When I walked out of the bathroom Megan ran in with all her stuff so no one could go in before her. I laughed at that.

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