Chapter 1

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I quickly bounded down the stairs. My hair flying behind me. Today is going to be perfect, I just know it.

"Mom I'm heading over to Adam's" I yelled as I ran into the kitchen and I grabbed a granola bar from off the counter.

"Now, but Su I just made you breakfast." My Mom said coming over to me and I smiled.

"Ah I thought I smelled something burning." I tore the wrapper off and dug into my granola bar while my Mom playfully hit my arm. After shoving the food down my mouth I quickly turned around and ran smack into my Dad.

"What's the hurry Su?"

"First day of school, and all of us Minnesota Ducks want to ride skate together, and I am excited because I haven't seen any of them for the past two weeks." I said grabbing my backpack from off the floor and hurrying to the front door my parents trailing behind me. I opened the closet door and grabbed my skates.

"I got to go, love you guys." I said kissing both of their cheeks and running out the door. I sprinted over into the next yard and ran up to the front door and rang the doorbell. The door opened and revealed Rose the housekeeper.

"Why hello Miss Su, haven't seen you in awhile, come on in." She said motioning me in but I shook my head no.

"No it's fine Rose just tell Adam I'm here." She nodded and shut the door and I walked off to his driveway and sat down and took my sandals off and started putting my skates and pads on. Just as I had got my skates on I heard a voice from behind me.

"Long time no see." I quickly turned around and smiled up at my best friend. Adam Banks. I stood up and skated over to him and gave him a huge hug. He returned it and we pulled apart and looked at each other.

"Adam it's so good to see you again." I said smiling, and he nodded.

"I know even though you were gone two weeks it felt like two years." I smiled and hugged him again. He was looking good as usual. I looked him over and started laughing.

"What?" He asked looking himself over and I shook my head.

"What are you wearing?" He sighed as I looked him over. Khaki pants, a light blue dress up shirt with a navy sweater vest and a red tie.

"My parents forced me too, like always." I laughed and replied.

"My parents are just as rich as yours and they don't force me to look like a"- I looked him over again-"cake eater." He laughed and ran a hand through his hair.

"I must be dressed badly if you, a cake eater yourself is calling me a cake eater." He started putting his skates on as I put my pads on. Our outfits were definitely different; I was just in shorts and a t-shirt with my hair up in a ponytail.

"So how was that ceremony?" I asked, it had been several days ago but I had been in the Caribbean and had missed it. I had actually just gotten home last night, and was excited to see everyone again. When I had learned all of us Ducks had been awarded scholarships I had been ecstatic. For the past two years the only way I could be in contact with the out of state Ducks was through, e-mail, letters, phone, calls, and cards. And for the past two summers the out of state Ducks had come and spent one moth her in Minnesota with us, but I had been in the Caribbean when they had came this year, so I was defiantly looking forward to seeing them. Adam sighed and said.

"Fine I guess, Coach just talked about us and then the Dean said how happy he was we would be joining his school and then we posed for pictures. All in all it was kinda boring."

"I bet. I am so excited to see everyone again, and to have Coach there it will rock." Adam looked down and said.

"Su, Coach won't be there." I stopped and looked up at him.

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