Chapter 5

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I quietly shut the front door and suddenly the lights turned on. I quickly turned around to see both of my parents staring sternly at me, in their bathrobes.

"Susanna Lilly Granger, where in the world have you been?" My Dad said coldly as my Mom looked my over.

"And how did you get into those clothes, you weren't wearing them when you left?" I sighed and looked down.

"Well, uh the Ducks and I were just hanging out, you know doing what we do." I said weakly as their glares turned colder.

"And besides, I did come home! I just left again."

"Why didn't you tell us you were home?"

"Because you were sleeping and I found it unnecessary to wake you up." I said as I took my baseball cap off and let my hair fall down around my face.

"Well you should have said something, instead of sneaking out and making us more worried, what did you and the Ducks do?" My Dad asked and I shrugged and walked past them.

"It doesn't matter, look guys can we talk about this later, I got a game tomorrow bright and early."

"What game?" My Mom asked and I froze, even though they barley went to my games they knew when they were so of course they knew I didn't have an official game against varsity.

"It's just a game, a very important game." And without waiting for their approval I walked up the stairs towards my room slamming the door shut behind me. I turned on my light and walked over to my bed and collapsed on it. Sighing as I felt a huge weight lifted from my shoulders. We were going up against varsity tomorrow, the climatic battle in our war. The question was, would we come out victorious?

Beep Beep

I groaned as I hit my alarm clock, 5:00 am it read and I got out of bed and stretched before grabbing a t-shirt and sweat pants. I grabbed my hockey gear and headed down the stairs and was surprised to smell something coming from the kitchen. I walked in and saw my parents sitting at our table a plate of breakfast at my spot. Raising an eyebrow I set my things down and took a seat and started eating quickly.

"Su, must you eat so fast?" My Mom asked from behind her magazine and I smirked.

"Well I have a game, and I need to get there, I'll see you guys later." I said standing up grabbing my backpack along with my hockey gear.

"Here, I'll take you." My Dad said kindly as he took my hockey bag and stick. I smiled up at him and nodded. I knew what was going on, my parents never liked to see my hurt so even when they were strict by the next day they were back to loving me, giving me breakfast and being extra kind. In a way it spoiled me, in a good way of course. I got into my Dad's brand new Bentley and he pulled out of the garage.

"Just think kiddo soon you'll be driving around a car like this." He said proudly as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah Dad." He laughed and we were silent as he drove up to the school. He looked surprised as he saw the empty parking lot.

"Why it seems no one is here, are you sure the game is now, Su?"

"Positive." I said before turning to him and smiling.

"Thanks for the lift." He nodded and I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Go get 'em kiddo." I laughed and nodded as he popped the hood and I got all of my things out. I waved to him as he drove off and walked to the ice arena, once getting in there I went to the locker room and opened the doors expecting to hear loud talking and laughter. But I heard absolutely nothing, I almost thought no one was there as I walked in, but there they were, the Ducks. Well it was the Ducks in appearances, but not in personality. Everyone was dead quiet as they changed, as if they were afraid making a noise would shatter the peace. The tension was obvious as I walked over to my locker and quickly changed into my Duck gear. Happy to be in it then in our Warrior gear. Just as I was lacing up my skates Charlie stood up and said in a cloud clear voice.

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