Chapter 1

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I peeked to my left, again, through my hair. His brown curls partly covered his eyebrows. I looked back down at my notes and smiled, not because of how well I was understanding quadratics, but, because of how it seemed he was looking in my direction too. I looked to the right, back a couple of seats, to see if my best friend, Evangeline, had noticed the exchange. She didn't, she was too engrossed in studding her notes before the quiz to see what I hoped had happened. As I turned my head back to my desk I saw what he was probably looking at. Ann Harley. They were both in the play together and their characters just so happened to be a relationship. It didn't help that she was pretty or that they looked adorable together. Not to mention that EVERYBODY kept telling them that. For crying out loud were only in High School people! This is way too young for two people to have this kind of pressure to be in a relationship! I thought. It's way to young to even be in a relationship!

Okay, so I like Ryan Anderson, but its not like I'll ever do anything about it. I'm shy. I've talked to him a few times, like before the play, I said "Good luck, Ryan" and after the play I said "Good job!"

My favorite times were when Mr. Peters would partner us to work on our math. It was silly, we only talked about math, comparing our answers, working out hard problems together, but jumped at any chance to talk to him. 

Math was the only class we had together and never really saw each other outside of that one class. Particularly because he was in my older brother"s grade, one year older than me. I took an extra math class back in sixth grade just to bother my brother Kevin. It worked.

Ah Ryan is so sweet and talented, I thought. To bad he's not athletic. If he was, maybe Kevin would like him. It's weird that that's what Kevin decides to judge him on. Kevin isn't even athletic himself, I kept thinking every time Kevin got on Ryan"s case.

I peeked over at Ryan again and saw him studying. I looked back down at my own notes, he was probably just looking at Ann.

After class Evangeline and I walked out together. "The quiz was pretty easy I thought." I said to her while looking at Ryan's curly hair bob as he jogged over to one of his friends down the hall. See, I thought, he is too athletic. I couldn't convince myself it was true on a "sporty" level though.

"Really?" Evangeline replied.

"Ya there were only like five questions." I said shocked she disagreed.

"Well, yeah, I know it was really easy." She said rushed. "I meant I thought for sure you would want to talk about Ryan."

"Oh what about him?" I said glancing his way to make sure he wouldn't hear.

"Oh my gosh! You didn't notice?!" Evangeline squealed sounding surprised.

"Notice what, him looking at Ann Harley? Oh you bet I noticed." I said slightly hurt by her apparent need to rub it in.

"Ann?!?" She exclaimed. It would have been the perfect set up for a spit take, if she would have had something in her mouth. "No way! He was looking at you. I mean directly at YOU!"

"He doesn't cheat!"

"What are you even talking about Marcy."

"Well he obviously wasn't looking at me, and apparently wasn't looking at Ann, it seems to look as if he was cheating. BUT!! He wasn't we both know he is great at math. AND he's too good of a person to do something like that, especially with how Mr. Peters lets us re-do all assignments and re-take all test's and quiz's." I said arguing a point and coming to a conclusion. "He must have been day dreaming."

"Yeah, about YOU!!!!!" Evangeline said attracting some attention. "Marcy, if you can't see it your crazy! He totaly likes you!"

"You're funny Ev, really funny. Now don't get my hopes up, don't you remember what happened last time?" Last time she convinced me of something like this it ended in a lot of disappointment.

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