Chapter 2

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"Sooo..." I asked Dylan as we walked to our lunch table. "Did you ask Carly to the dance yet?"

"No not yet.." He answered.

"So how will you ask her?  You know when you stop Chickening out and do." I teased.

"Well I'm going to give her a bottle of salsa and tape a paper on it that says 'Let's take spanish to a whole new level and let's salsa at the dance.' And I'll put my name in the bottom of a bowl full of tortilla chips shaped like Y's, E's, S's, N's and O's so she can spell out her answer in chips." He said this happily and gaged my reaction so see if it was a good idea or not.

"That is awesome!" I exclaimed. "That is so funny Dylan."

He smiled at my approval. "I'm glad you think it's a god idea."

"I think it was a great idea!" I said beaming. "Have you told Ev yet?"

"Ya she thinks it's pretty cool." Knowing Ev of course she would she loved everything mexican and spanish related. It was her dream to speak Spanish fluently and travel to Spanish speaking countries around the world to see and enjoy their cultures and traditions.

We silently sat down and started eating our lunch. We didn't have to much to say, but we were both content in the silence while we waited for Evangeline. When she did show up she was practically glowing. "Guess what!" She said as she bounced by the table. Dylan and I didn't answer thinking it was retorical. It was. "I just got asked to the Sweethearts Dance!"

"By who!" I said sharing her excitment.

"Grant Leslie!" She gushed.

"No way!" I stood up and grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Ya I know!" Ev said with pure joy.

"Ev, he is like one of the coolest guys in the school!" I said bobbing with her. "Dylan isn't this awesome!" I said wanting him to be a part of the conversation too.

"Ya he's a pretty cool guy. I had gym with him last semster and he is super athletic too. You should see him play basketball. It's crazy one second he is there opening a covered player up next he is making a rebound. Seriously, the dude is totaly MVP...." Dylan slowed to a stop as he noticed we were already talking over him about Grant's other qualities.

As we finished blabbing about Grant, Dylan started to talk again. "So now all we need is for lover boy to ask you Marce and were good to go.  I'll ask Carly after he asks you."

I looked down suddenly shy and insecure. "He probably isn't going to ask me. In fact I bet he's already asked Ann by now.  So don't wait on me go ask Carly before someone else does."

"I'm in no rush Marce.  I wouldn't want you to be left out.  Plus Carly is just a thought anyway.  I might not ask her at all anymore."

"Um.. guys?" Ev said waiting for us to look up.

"Ya?" I said a little upset.

"Cody Adams asked Ann this morning and she said yes. Ryan and Ann aren't going to the dance together." Ev said pointing it out like it was obvious.

"Really?" I said shocked and overjoyed.

"Um ya." Ev said with her eyebrows raised.

"Yes!" I exclaimed and pulling my hand in a fist and moving my elbow back as a sign of accomplishment.

Dylan and Evangeline both laughed at my happiness and we went on eating lunch with random chit chat.

"So do you really think he will as me?" I said to Ev as we walked to my locker before art.

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