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Chapter Three💫

"So what's your real name? I know Cash isn't your real name." Puma smirked and decided to make him a drink.

Cash licked his lips and shook his head. "That is my real name." He lied. He didn't know her like that to even give her his real name. His wife didn't even know his real name.

"That's clearly a nick name." She chuckled while leaning on the counter with her fist under her chin. "You like a Deondre or something....or an Demetrius." She squinted her eyes trying to guess some other names that fit him.

"Demetrius is my brother's name."

Puma only nodded as she chewed on her bottom lip.

"My name is Marcellus ma."he finally said. He was surprised he even said that.

"Marcellus .....that's really fit you. I like that name." She daydreamed a little. For some reason that name sounded familiar.

"Who name is that...that's tatted on your wrist ?" He asked, being mosey.

It said Camron with a race car and heart.

She looked down at her wrist and traced her tattoo. "My son...he passed about two years ago." she spoke lowly. He could tell she was hurt, he seen how her whole mood changed so fast.

"Oh word ? How old was he ? If you don't mind me asking."

"Two. He was my only child so..." she trailed off, still staring at her tattoo. She missed her baby boy so bad. It was like her whole world had changed when he left her.

Cash only nodded and stared at her. "Damn...sorry for asking ma." He couldn't imagine losing his son. His son was only four and he'll be damned if he lose him.

She nodded and sniffed a bit. She didn't want him to see her cry, she didn't even know him. Somehow, she felt like she knew him for years. It was crazy weird how she was opening up to him.

"Yo I'm ready to roll out...some stripper just gave me her number, she said I can fuck." Benji said walking up behind Cash, interrupting his and Puma's conversation.

Cash sighed and pulled out his car keys. "Aight man. Wait for me in the car." He passed him his keys and turned back to Puma.

"Look ma, I'm not trying to fuck or nothing, but seriously. If you want to talk, you can hit me up. No funny shit." He pulled out his phone and handed it to her.

She paused for a second and placed her number in it. "Thanks.....Marcellus ? Or Cash ?"

"Call me Cash ma...seriously. Nobody calls me Marcellus." He laughed a bit while placing his phone back inside his pocket.


"Yo who was that girl you was talking to at the bar ? She thick as hell. You gone fuck her ?" Benji asked while rolling his blunt in the passenger seat.

"Her name Puma... and I just might. She got a smart ass mouth tho." Cash said while running his chin with left hand as his right hand gripped the stirring wheel.

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