Part 1

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For those of you returning to Invisible with me, welcome back. For those of you new to this story, hello and welcome. :)

All I can honestly say is that I'm now writing this story for me, because I love these characters, so I hope you do, too.

For the first three chapter I will post once a week. After that, we'll see how it goes depending on the number of votes/comments. So, if you're enjoying please let me know.


Chapter One


"Sorry Doc, hit the snooze button one too many times this morning." Jace said, dropping his bag at the side of the bed in room 103 and moving to grab the clipboard resting in its holder above the sleeping patients head.

"You really should come up with a few more excuses, Jason. That one is getting a bit tired, I believe. I understand that you're looking for a way out of the Guard but I won't have either my patient's time or my time wasted just because you need something to do besides school."

Jace lifted an eyebrow, looking down at the same girl that had lied motionless in the same bed since he'd gotten the internship four weeks ago. "She's in a coma. She hasn't moved in a month."

"Begin now or get out, Jason." the doctor replied sharply.

Jace looked down at the clipboard in his hands. "Everything looks the same. Heart rate's good, normal temp, both her breathing rate and blood pressure are stable. There's no reason she should still be asleep, medically at least."

"And you said she was just like this when you found her?"

"Yeah. She didn't even stir when I picked her up and brought her here." Just four weeks ago Jace had found the unnamed girl lying in the middle of the main foyer. She seemed so small and so fragile that he's picked her up and brought her straight to the medical ward. He'd been so sure that someone would come looking for her. After all, he thought as he looked down at her mortionless form, I've never seen anyone like her. So how could someone not notice her absence? But no one had. Not one in the month she had been in the hospital had anyone come looking for her.

The doctor's gray eyebrows knitted together. "Frankly Jason, we need this bed. It's a miracle she survived being drained in the first place. I've never heard of anyone doing that, let alone recovering from it."

"What do you mean we need the bed? What are you going to do with Jane Doe? Leave her in her hallway?" Jace shrugged the doctor off. One of the reasons Jace had chosen to work under the doctor instead of his own father was because the doctor often cared too much for his patients. He would make someone attend numerous unnecessary and costly follow-ups just to make absolutely sure they were okay. Jace's father, on the other hand, said the doctor just liked to waste the Academy's money and indulge teenagers who wanted to skip class.

"I'm thinking it's time we begin to think about lethal injection. The signs are there. She was drained of every ounce of power and no one in our history since Earth has lived through that. Sustaining her life so that she can remain in a coma for months until her organs break down while I have a line of patients out the door because of this new virus is not fair to her or the other patients. Medicine sometimes requires tough choices, Jason, this is one of them. I don't like it any more than you do."

Jace couldn't think. It was like the world had stopped making sense for a minute. The Doctor was right, Jace mostly thought of the infirmary as a way out of a future in the Guard that his father seemed intent on shoving down his throat but this girl, she was his. She clearly didn't have anyone else and a sudden urge to protect her reared its head inside him. "So you're going to kill her because there's line of people sneezing outside the clinic? You couldn't fix her so you're just going to call it a day and move on!?"

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