Getting Rid of Chaeyeon

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    Two of the minors, Tzuyu and Chaeyeon really just focused on appreciating Sana's beauty. She stood there like Miss Korea or Japan. They both noticed each other staring at Sana. Chaeyeon popped the question to Tzuyu first "Tzuyu unnie, you seem to be looking at Sana unnie a lot... Do you like her?" Tzuyu is a straight foward person and simply replied "Yes, yes I do. Seems like you do too?" Chaeyeon admitted it too "Yeah, Sana unnie and I got really close last time and I learned a lot about her and grew to like her..." Chaeyeon had a little guilt because she told some of Sana's secrets to her sister. Tzuyu is very smart and sensed Chayeon's guilt. Tzuyu smartly responded "Lucky you, I wanna learn Sana unnie's secrets too. I want to learn more about her and earn her trust like you did." The words "earn her trust" made Chaeyeon feel horrible; it was like a stab to the heart. Chaeyeon told Sana's secrets even though Sana trusted her. Chaeyeon knew Sana would hate her if she knew.

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