A Cry Out To Jesus

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Dear God 

A normal 17-year-old girl with a normal life and normal family, enjoying her junior year of high school. This is not me, but who I want to be. My name is Amelia Alexis Applegate and my life is falling apart before my eyes. I'm lost and can't figure out where to turn. My youth pastor told me to always turn to you for advice, but it seems like you don't even hear me anymore. I've asked for so many things, but the answer has never been the right one. I asked you to help my parents to stay together, but they got divorced anyway. I asked you to save my step-dad from dying, but you let him die anyway. I asked you to help my brother with his drug addiction, but he hasn't gotten better. I asked you to bring me just one good friend after Kelly moved away last year, but that still hasn't happened. God, if you are listening to this, if you care about me, please let me know you're here with me.

Your daughter,

Amelia Alexis Applegate.

This was my first letter of many I wrote to God. I wrote this letter a year ago today, and still I'm friendless. My brother is still suffering from drug addiction. My mom still hasn't gotten over my step-dad dying yet; she just mopes in her room all day. I've stopped going to youth group and stopped believing this God even exists. I feel like I have nothing to live for anymore. I've even attempted suicide before, not one of my smartest ideas though. After a year of sorrows and pain, I'm convinced that God doesn't care about me.

A Cry Out To Jesus (The Extended Hobson Family Triliogy: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now