The Will

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This was the day Matt's will was read. The Jackson's, Pastor Jeff and his wife Amy, my mom, Matt's lawyer, and I had all gathered together in the Jackson's living room to have the will read to us. Matt, being the type of guy he is, made a video of himself in which he read his will. I kind of wish he just wrote the will instead, seeing him in the video made me sad again.

"If you’re seeing this then I'm dead. Those are words I hoped I wouldn't have to say together for a long time from now." He laughed. "Now down to the serious business. As all of you that are watching this are aware, I was never a poor man. I was an only child and both my parents died, passing along the whole inheritance to me. My parents were rich, so I guess you could say I had plenty of money to spare, being a secret millionaire and all that." There were some gasps spread throughout the small group. Apparently no one, not even Mom knew about this. "As you know, I have no debt that is to be paid, so I'm free to give my money as I please. First off, I want to give $200,000 to the church and 50,000 to the youth group. Then to pastor Jeff and Amy, I want to give you $70,000 and my car for helping Amelia and Andy grow stronger with God. To Barb and Steve I want to give you $150,000 because I know you'll help look after Amelia, and Andy if he comes back, after I'm gone. To my wife Gloria, I love you honey, I leave to you the house and $100,000. Please don't spend too irresponsibly. To Kelly and her parents I leave $80,000. Now onto Andy, I know you might not even be here right now, but I want to say this anyway. I leave $1 million to you. I hope you can use it for good, and try to break some nasty habits with it. Now onto Amelia. I would rather have you hear this by yourself, so if others are around, other than my lawyer, please leave so I can talk to Amelia in private."


Matt's lawyer pause the video and everyone left to the kitchen. Matt's lawyer un-paused the video and I listened intently to what Matt had to say.

"Amelia, my favorite step-daughter. I know you're probably surprised to learn I have so much money. I tried to keep that fact hidden, mainly so your mom wouldn't use it all up on stupid un-Godly things. I'm leaving the rest of my money to you. Out of everyone in the family, you were the most accepting of me. Your mom changed her opinion of me after I accepted Christ. Andy only just now accepts me as part of his family. If he hasn't come back home yet, please tell him I love him and I want him to stay faithful to God so we can see each other again in Heaven. I love you so much, and God loves you even more than I do, so hard to believe. I guess you're probably wondering how much money I have to give to you, please don't spend it all too unwisely. Use it to pay for college and a house and whatever else you want to use it on. Last I checked I had about $5 million saved up, if I did my math right, that means you get about $3,500,000. My lawyer can tell you the exact amount, but it's my estimated amount. Shocking huh? I was shocked to know my parents had so much saved up themselves, they never acted like it. I worked at a really good job, so the amount of money just kept going up and up. I suggest you don't tell people how much I've given you, they may become jealous, especially your mom. Since you're only 16 right now, I want you to live with your mom, she needs you more than you realize. I love you kiddo, and I know you are missing me horribly right now, but remember that if you stay faithful to God than we'll get to see each other again in Heaven. Take care of everyone for me." The video ended, but I didn't ever want it to. I couldn't believe all that God was putting me through, it's so hard to lose those you love.


Matt's lawyer and I walked into the kitchen to let everyone know the video had ended. By the looks everyone had given me, I must have had a shocked look on my face still.

"What did Matt have to say?" Grandma Barb asked me.

"He wanted me to know that he loves me and was happy to have had me as a step-daughter. He wanted me to take care of a few things for him too. Mom I'm moving back into the house too." I said.

"Is that what you want or what Matt wanted for you to do?" My mom asked, snidely.

"A bit of both, but I really do want to move back in with you." I said back.

"Fine, just don't bring that mutt back home with you."

"He can stay with us for now." Grandpa Steve said.

"Thank you so much Grandpa Steve!" I said hugging him tightly. "I'll come visit him everyday and take him for walks all the time. What do you think Flufster? Do you want to live here?" I asked, bending down to talk to my overly excited puppy. He responded by wagging his tail and trying to lick my face, knocking me down in the process.

"I think that's a yes." Pastor Jeff said as everyone laughed. Well everyone, but my mom who was off in her own little world.

"Mom, why don't you go home? I'll go home tomorrow." I said, noticing my mom really didn't look too comfortable here. My mom nodded and left out the door. I had no clue where she was actually going to go, but I didn't care.

"I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds by staying another night." I said towards Grandpa Steve.

"Never, but I think you'll like Pastor Jeff and Amy's idea much better. It would be good for you to do after the last few days have been full of loss for you." Grandpa Steve said.

"Maybe you'll even gain a new friend." Grandma Barb said. She had a suggestive look on her face, that told me she knew something I didn't, which she did.

"On that note, I guess we should tell you what we are planning." Pastor Jeff said.

"We're having a youth overnighter at the church. We think you should go." Amy said.

"I think I'll go. Maybe I'll even make a new friend tonight." I said raising my eyebrows at grandma Barb, who raised her eyebrows back at me.

"Great! We already got hold of the youth group to let them know. We could drive you to the church now if you want. Of course the others probably won't be showing up for another half hour. We could use some help setting things up." Amy said.

"I'd love to help. It'll keep my mind off everything for a while." I ran up to my temporary room and grabbed everything I would need for the night, including a can of shaving cream for some pranking, then ran back down the stairs. I said goodbye to the Jackson's and Flufster, then left with Pastor Jeff and Amy.

A Cry Out To Jesus (The Extended Hobson Family Triliogy: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now