I was 8 years old when I found out about Mitch- and what he can do. We were best friends and I had been playing with him at his house, pulling out all the cushions on the couch and finding all the blankets possible to make a big fort.
His father wasn't supposed to be home yet, and we weren't necessarily supposed to be doing what we were... Mitch's dad was nice, but since his mother died, he was very strict about things of hers in the house. He hated when Mitch touched or played with things that were hers- or in this case, that she made. The pillows we were using as seats in our fort were ones that Nel had stitched herself, by hand, and they were something that Mike was especially touchy about. Mitch's father saw that we were using them, and a strict expression came over his face. I don't remember exactly what he said, just that it made Mitch very upset. I watched as Mitch became more and more...translucent, and eventually disappeared all together. I stared in shock at the spot where my friend had just been. "Mitchell" Mike said sternly, "Come back to visibility." I heard Mitch's voice reply from where he had been standing seconds before. "I can't control it daddy, you know that." He sounded scared and tearful. "Mitch? Where are you?" I said, still very confused. I had no idea what was going on. How had Mitch just disappeared in front of my eyes? Was this some kind of cool magic trick? I just couldn't figure it out. "He's right there, he's just being stubborn. Come back, Mitchell!" His father yelled angrily. "I'm trying, Daddy" Mitch's frantic voice once again came from beside me. Mike let out a frustrated huff and stormed out the door, kicking over a chair in the process. I stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do, until a couple minutes later, I saw a very upset looking Mitch begin to slowly reappear out of thin air. "What was that? Where did you go?" I asked. Mitch looked up at me and sighed. "I...I have a secret."