It Gets Better

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What have we done, oh my god.

This is really happening.


It's been five months since that night. We moved in together after the first month. We share the rent, and make breakfast together on the weekends. I catch him eating my cereal in the middle of the night, and when I do, we stay up and watch tv so that we can finish the box together. It was the change I was looking for.

It was walking home from the park while playing Pokemon GO! one day that I noticed the nightclub we had met in. Looking in, I noticed that they were open as a restaurant for the afternoon. I grabbed their business card, and stopped to buy some flowers at the closest florist I could find with my phone.

I borrowed a sharpie from their counter to scribble a little note on the business card.

When I brought them home, Phil took the flowers with a smile, his blue eyes lighting up behind his prescription glasses.

"Someone looks dressed and ready for tonight,"I joked as he smelled and studied the blossoms.

"These are so lovely," he gushed.

"It gets better," I smirked. "Look inside."

He did and found the note with the business card of the night club we had met in.

"Dan, I can't even-"

I cut him off with a kiss.


Phil was busy changing into his suit while I straightened my hair yet again.

"It looks fine, Dan," I heard him say from the doorway. "It's as straight as you aren't."

"Shut up," I said before looking over, but when I did, it was me who was shut the hell up.

"Phil, you look-"

"It gets better," he smirked, copying me from earlier today.

He unbuttoned his sparkly gold tuxedo coat to reveal a buttoned-up shirt underneath covered in different swallow-tail birds.

"That style, though, Phil," I giggled.

"It's the same style that seduced you five months ago, isn't it?" he asked.

"You seduced me?" I asked indignantly. "Whose flat was it exactly that we ended up at that night?"

"Only because it was closer and you were much less intoxicated," he argued.

"Fair enough, Mr. Lester," I said.

We headed out the door, hand in hand.

"Tonight's going to be great, isn't it?" I asked.

"Yes," Phil agreed. "And it gets better."


"How did you know this was my favorite restaurant?" I gasped. "I know for a fact that I didn't tell you!"

"I have my ways," Phil said smugly.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Let me order," he instructed as we stood, waiting for the waitress to seat us.

We took our seats at the table she gave us, and she swiftly returned with a basket of breadsticks, asking if we knew what we wanted to drink.

Phil ordered himself some white wine, and ordered me a glass of red wine.

"Wow, we really are getting fancy," I joked. "I would have been good with some apple juice from the kid's menu."

Phil shot me a look.

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