Chapter six- Knowing the Big Contest and the REVENGE

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Chapter six- Knowing the Big Contest and the REVENGE

  I want to yell at that girl! Wow, such a good friend! So nice that I want to PEEPS! I want to slap her really hard. She does like Jason and she just don’t want me to make her not popular anymore since I AM MORE POPULAR THAN HER! WOW, I never know that. So it easier for me to make Jason love me? I know I must change so I will. The next two days went okay but guess what, I CHANGE SO MUCH! I use to wear jeans a lot but now I started to wear dresses and I use to wear sneaker but now I started to wear high heels. From tom boy to girly girl. What? I change. After I went to school on Monday, I noticed a new news. The paper says “Band contest, begin on March 2! Please sign up the ROCKIE band contest!” A great contest I thought.

“Hey Jessica,” Ling yell.

“Oh hi,” I said.

“So… are we joining?” Ling ask.

“Of course!” I reply.

“I will love to hear your band’s sound Jessica,” Jason add.

“Um, who’s talking you?” I ask, trying to hide my sadness.

“Come on, you now I was flirting with you yesterday with you step on a banana!” Jason whisper to me.

“I am not talking to a play boy plus you already have a girlfriend,” I answer.

Jason just kisses me on my month after I said that. Is he serious? I guess I was wrong about him but then. I don’t care about Lisa anymore! It her revenge! Everyone is looking at us right now. EVERYONE! Even Lisa, she’s in a ANGRY DUM HATE mood. I get that feeling, she look at me for once and give me the “I HATE YOU” eye. I ignore and keep joining my peaceful kiss. He hug me after the kiss and ask me for a date. Yep, I said yes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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