Dare 9 - Ask 13

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Me: *bows down* holy sweet love to all that's holy this dare is genius

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Me: *bows down* holy sweet love to all that's holy this dare is genius. I would love more dares like these. But anyways.

Sans: God no.

Me: ssshhhhh its gonna happen. Aight we're going in groups. So here we go.

Group 1: Arthur, Vivi, Mystery, and Lewis

Group 2: Manny, Daniel, Jack, Manolo, and Brooke

Group 3: Sans, Papyrus, Goopster-- I mean Gaster, and Me

Me: I'll only use magic if we're about too die... Maybe.. *grins*

Sans: *shoves me*

Me: *almost falls down* -_- *transports the first group into Fnaf 4*

Aurthur: what is even happening...

Mystery: *shrugs*

Vivi: I don't think we need a flash light...

Lewis: *hair is lighting up the room* uh....

Arthur: *blows out his hair*

Vivi: *turns on a random flash light that she found* never mind...

Lewis: -.-

-time skip lul-

Vivi: *slowly peaks around*


Mystery: *shushes him*

Lewis: *looks at the bed* 0-0 uh.. Guys...

Vivi: *turns to him* what? *looks at the bed, flashing the light at it* OMG *screams*

Evil Freddy Plushie: *hisses at the light and dissapears*

Nightmare Bonnie: *bursts into the room and screeches*

Vivi, arthur, and Lewis: *scream like children*

Mystery: -_-

Me: *transports them back* 0-0"

Vivi: *hides in the closet*


Arthur: *lays down on the floor* I'll never trust bunnies again 😢

Mystery: -_- *walks away*

Me: o—o... *transports the second group to Fnaf 4*

Jack: coulda warned us -_-

Manolo: this place is a bit... Edgy..

Manny: *smokes a cig* meh.

Daniel: *muffled speaking* Translation: why am I even here?

Brooke: I hope nothing bad happens...

-time skip-

Jack and Brooke: *sitting on the bed boredly*

Ask and Dare Mystery Skulls/ BoneHeads (Redone) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now