Dare 8

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Sans: what? That's not what we meant

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Sans: what? That's not what we meant.... Of course we've met our own father... We meant everyone else.

Me: *shrugs* whatevs. *summons Gaster*

Gaster: *appears with a poof* ....?

Sans: *white pupils dissapear* uh...

Papyrus: *in the kicthen, has no idea*

-after a few minutes of gathering everyone and explaining-

Me: He's kinda goopy.. We should fix that... GOOPSTER. *glomps on Gaster, slowly sinking into him* 0-0

Gaster: 0-0"""" please stop.

Me: *stuck* too late.

Jack: that's... Concerning...

Manny: interesting.

Daniel: *walks away*

Lewis: what even is he??

Manolo: *very confused*

Aurthur: ... This is not something I wanted to see in my life.

Vivi: he looks so weird and goopy!

Mystery: *shrugs*

Papyrus: *walks over and pulls me out of Gaster* o.o

Me: *covered in black goop* eww ;-;

Sans: . . . *stares at Gaster* ... *traps him in a bone cage* we're keeping him in there.

Me: YAY. Pap put me down, I wanna glomp on him again.

Papyrus: ? *shrugs and puts me down, walking back to the kitchen*

Me: *shakes off most of the goop and looks at Gaster* :D

Sans: *traps me in a bone cage before I can go anywhere* no.

Me: ._.


Sans: *facepalms and rushes over*

Me: oh dear.

Gaster: -_-"

Ask and Dare Mystery Skulls/ BoneHeads (Redone) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now