Waking up being Handcuffed

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I liad there looking up at a perfect boy, thinking how could this be happening I did not choose this can't I just get a F I don't really care at leased im not hand cuffed to this freak.

"hello, you ight want to get up and stop staing I have been witing for you to wake up so I can go home" lucas said with much annoyance laced in his voice.

"Ok so let me get this straight we just got handcuffed together for a project, then I fainte, and I suddenly wake up in the nurses office handcuffed to you and all you want to do is go home, not get unhandcuffs, um maybe do homework idk give me a wake up call and wake me up sooner!" I shouted at him how could he be so selfish I have to go home finish homework read more harry potter but no, he had to come along and ruin everything.

"hello earth to Catherine" he waved a hand in my face because I zoned out of course wait did he call me Catherine,

"DONT YOU DARE CALL ME CATHERINE!!" I shouted getting up and tryng to huff away but, the universe hates me and I was pulled back right into a rock hard warm chest when a strong arm snaked around my waist "woahh there cowboy!!" I snapped putting both my hands on his chest trying to push him off but with my luck it was not a success, I look up to stare at him when he brought his face a mer inch between us if one of os made any sudden movements we would be kissing.

He cleared his troat and unwrapped his arm and took a step back it took a moment before I realize what happened and then I felt heat rising to my cheeks I turned around trying to hide my blush and moving to go to my locker to grab my homework


We walked to my house after 20 minutes of arguing and he turned on the television while I sat as far as I coud from him on the couch doing all my algebra, history and Spanish home work when I finish I had to explain to my mother and father about the project and he called his family and told them. We got our dinner and went to my room. Im an only child so im spoild I have a queen sized bed that is black and white stiped and a 50' flat screen on the wall with a desk and a walk in closet with a connected bathroom.

we put our plated on the bed when I of course I had to use the bathroom

"umm. lukey pukey.." I said very very kindly

" yes, cathy wathy?"

"umm... I have .....t-to ..u-use the ... bathroom" I said nervously

" ok how will we do this do I get to see ou with no pants on" I felt warmth in my cheeks again I turned away rushing to the bathroom pulling him along

"ok so you stand in the shower and close the curtin" I said closing the curtain" then I will go and when im done I have to change into my pj's ok now NO PEEKING!!!!" I shouted at the end so it went good im pretty sure he peeked when I was changing but luckly I cant change my shirt because of the handcuffs. we went back into my room going togo to bed when he started to take off his pants leaving him in just his boxers.

"WHAT THE F LUCUS!!!" I shouted hurrying to cover my eyes

"what have you never seen a guy in just his boxers?" he questioned moving closer to me putting his hands on mine removing them from my face

"just put on some pants and go to bed " I said falling into bed and going under the covers turning over to the other side. I felt the bed dip on the other side and warmth and a heavy arm draped across my waist and before I fell into sleep heaven I felt myself leaning into his chest.


Hello it's me how are you guys thank you for the reads and votes im sorry I haven't written I will do my best to much homework ok well thank you


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