The Human Condition [Health...In More Ways Than One]]

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Part 4: Health...In More Ways Than One

To what level do you think you're healthy? This isn't concerning how fast you can run a mile, your height to weight ratio, the number of push ups you can do in a minute, it's about how long your health is going to let you survive. Mental health, emotion health, spiritual health, and of course, physical health.

I'll ask again, to what level do you think you're healthy?

You don't become healthy to fit into a new pair of jeans, yea it's a bonus, but you become healthy for you. It doesn't have to do with eating right, or making sure you hit the gym enough times in a week, it all comes down to how happy you are, how you feel with yourself, and what you want to do about it. In a crumbling society we tend to get caught up in the fight for essentials. Essentials to life like food, water, a place to sleep, health care, the "bills". Where does it end? It's been stated before, we were born to this planet not by choice, why should we have to strive so hard just to live?

Within the constant battle we usually don't stop to think about our health. Yea, sure, you might walk down the street and see yourself in a store window and say, '"Oh my! Is my ass really that big?!" but is that really so important? Yes, everyone likes to look nice, and having an appealing appearance, but is that the farthest depth of your health?

A study taken in 2006 by the National Institution of Mental Health stated that nearly 70% of people that had committed suicide that year were considered to be "healthy". Healthy in weight, strong lungs, working joints, pretty much they had just pasted a physical. So these "heathy" people ending up killing themselves, and health is defined as the well-being of your body to draw out a life span. There clearly was something wrong, since their health didn't keep them living much longer.

...Is it not clicking in my mind? Or were these people just not happy?

Your whole life needs to be evaluated. Not by a doctor, by yourself. Whether it's a long walk on a cool night, in the shower or during a warm bath, maybe at dinner it'll come to you, but please...take some time and look at your life. It's not for anyone else but yourself.

Please look at how you feel, are you happy? Not because someone said a joke, but in bed before you go to sleep, are you pleased with the way your life is? Do you want to wake up the next morning?


Look at our world, look at our peers, your peers, think of how many people have been hurt, and tell me you're not one of them. Look at the way we're living, we stack meaningless stress onto our shoulders, we let others get the best of us, and why?

Anger, depression, suicidal thoughts, feeling withdrawn, alone, pathetic...these aren't healthy, yet we deal with them regularly. Popular emotions of our century, humanistic? Yes. Normal and part of our brain? Yes. A must have in life? Yes, we do need to feel anger and sadness, we need to know what we're capable of, but in no way are the levels in which people deal with these emotions today, acceptable.

Do you understand? Being sad, getting angry, wanting sometime to yourself, it's all normal. They're emotions, and we can't just nit-pick through a box and pick out the ones we want, when our minds are formed at the being of our creation, they all come standard. Every child is sad when their toy breaks, angry when another child is mean. We've all gone through it, and most of us have learned from it. How to deal with it, control it, how to go through life strongly so we can deal with problems of reality.

War, famine, starving children, nuclear waste, substance abuse, greed over healthcare and food production, none of these things are healthy. Not on an individual basis, but on a world wide scale. These acts of "big money" - government, mass corporate industries, capitalism, the banking system - cause world wide pain on a massive scale.

They make life an unnesccary game of survival. They wage war for their own agenda, not since WWII has the world been in any major threat, don't dare believe their excuses. They don't use their power and money to save third-world countries, why should they be "third-world" when we live on the same planet! What do they do with their power and money? They fight for more power, more control. They cause the excessive amounts of pain, they extend that childhood pain into something much worse. The pain of a broken heart due to a break up is much different thank a broken soul from an evil tyrant. They set rules and "laws" that have nothing to do with the basic concept of life.

Example, the thought of drugs are bad, most harm you. They can feed us pharmaceuticals that will destroy our vital organs, but will take your freedom for possessing a cannabis, a simple natural plant. Even methamphetamine possession shouldn't be punished. If people want to harm themselves let them do it. Bring justice to the one's who make a profit off of it, educate the youth so they know why not to do, rather just that it's bad and mysterious.

Knowledge is healthy.

Picture pain as calories. You need it, to grow, to experience, to see what it's like, it's good for you; but too much isn't going to do any good, it'll start destroying you. None the less, it's a part of who you are. The pain you have experienced so far in your life, has helped shape the person who reads this now. It's given you a level of health, it sets your pain sort to speak.

Your health is your well being, it's how you've adapted to your surroundings, it's how you're going to solve your problems. It's your battery level, your life expectancy. Don't you think it's time you check on that?

A sound health is a hard task to find in today's world.

We are mentally raised to believe that the system that surrounds us is the best thing for us, that this is the best life can be and if we say other we are wrong. That the people in charge can make decisions that are the best for all of us, they take away our freedom of life: UNHEALTHY

We are raised on genetically altered food. They even have to label 'organic' food. It all comes from the earth, shouldn't it all be organic? They even have to mess with the one essential to all of our human lives, food: UNHEALTHY

They wage war, they throw a whole nation in a battle over what, oil? Hm, how interesting. Oil isn't the only source of energy on earth, but it brings in the most profit, so because they want more profit, we go to die? War is unnatural stress, the perfect example of a moral sin against the masses: UNHEALTHY

They lie to us, tell us one thing and do another, and who's there to punish them? No one, they don't give us the respect of treating us good, and being lied to is: UNHEALTHY

As an individual in the dawn of the 22nd century, you need to stay healthy. You need to be mentally aware of what is going on around you, educate yourself. Set your mind free, have no boundaries. Don't let the words of government fear you, fear is their fence, it keeps us in their chains. Use your mentality to do some good for yourself and others, don't use it to make money, use it to live and be happy.

Being emotionally sound is a challenge, we are properly taught how to handle emotions. There's no handbook, government pamphlet, and there isn't always someone to help guide us. Being emotionally healthy can only be accomplished by you, for yourself. Being happy is the middle ground, the high ground, the most stable place to be. Being emotionally rich will always be better than monetarily rich.

There is no proper trick in this category, but there are things to remember:

- Though emotions can be influenced, only you fully control your emotions.

You must treat others as you'd like to be treated, it's called common courtesy.

Demanding respect is by far the stupidest thing you can do, respect must always be earned.

You don't have to step on people to get through life.

Helping people just feels good.

Life is all about our experience. Since when has anger felt good? Do you want a bad experience in life? Just chill, stand up for your rights, but don't bitch about everything. Realize that life isn't about getting everything you want, it's about enjoying what you have. Yea, running a few laps, a nice cool stroll down the beach, or a wicked game of sweaty tetherball also feel great when it comes to health, but the bottom line is this simple:

Live happy, live long, live for the time of your fucking life.

We over think too much, slow down, smell the roses, keep healthy so you can enjoy what you have, you don't need to rush to death, it'll come soon enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2010 ⏰

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