Second Meeting (0.1)

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The girl started looking up the night sky, wondering if she had dreamed the other day, and the habit had become somewhat dangerous when she checked the mail.  Months of cool weather passed, leaving behind cold winds and chilly wet air for gentle spring breezes.  The state of Mississippi did not like to stick to one type of weather, the cool sometimes penetrating in the month of April, but not much as it became hotter.  It was during one particularly muddy day when the rain was at a drizzle when the girl found herself at the Sonic where her fate had been decided.

Standing in the back, awning used as a protection, she regarded the gravel pit where the meeting had taken place.  In the gray light, it all seemed to match.  Muted semi truck trailers in whites and darks, the gray gravel matching with the oppressing atmosphere pressing down on her back.  The whole world had seemed to turn dark like this, but she had to be honest to anyone she met along the way.

She loved the quiet and softness.

The world didn't hold the same warmth as the gentle dawn, which would surely bring the sun and her heat back, but a cool sort of warmth, caressing and eye widening.  The girl embraced it and stepped onto the patch of grass, onto the gravel and the magical world between the rocks beneath her feet and the sky that shone down a soft gray.  At that moment, she knew it had come, magically appearing as it had before, but the difference was obvious as she opened her eyes.  The pyramid had gone.

Her gaze was turned immediately to the alien upon the discovery, her curiosity taking over her brain and thoughts residing within.   The ebony skin appeared almost like a leather, tough and hard to crack, but it was still the pitch of night.  Indeed, slit-like nose openings, gills in every practical sense, flared open and shut, never changing in rhythm or size of opening as she watched.

The crest, still folded downwards, was alive with gray that matched the area around it, the light glowing as the world around it, the magma pattern of movement only of certain parts in the place around it, under the ground and far away in volcanoes that had lava running through them.  Its mouth was a beak like shape in appearance, but held harsh lines of a human's lips, causing her to reach towards them.

They weren't real, but the alien did not much care as point fingers quickly grasped the hand, pushing it downwards, any and all touches unwanted and uncared for.  It had a reason for being here, the thought occurred to the girl, but the exact reason was unknown and would remain so unless sought out.  

So she spoke.

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