The Bus Ride

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"Well Mom and Dad I better be off now"
Jade said with a stutter. She walked out the house in the blazing August heat. The sweat dripped down her head not knowing if she was nervous or hot. She took the first 3 steps and looked at her desperate parents behind her. Their eyes started to tear up as she stepped confidently onto the bus. She sat right next to Tracey who was having her little anxiety attack. Jade has learned to let her do her own thing and move on. They slept most of the way when there was a sudden jolt in the bus. Everyone was alarmed, just barely awake jade pops her head up. She sees a tiny Buggy in front of the bus, when she focuses her eyes a bit she sees there was a commotion. She screams with fright.
"Did we just hit that car"
A big man in the back replies
"Yes but the bus has no damage and the other driver is ok, our driver went to call the insurance company."
Jade feels a bit better but still scared. How could this happen on their day, going to college was this a sign of something. The bus driver had come back on the bus and announced he would have to walk up to the gas station and he would be back. Everyone nodded and proceeded contacting their love ones. In an instant Jade looked up and saw a slight apparition.
She glanced behind her to see if anyone else had seen it, but no had noticed. She slowly worked up enough courage to stand with her wobbling feet. Before she knew what was actually happening she heard shots fired. Tracy had forcefully grabbed Jade back into the seat not knowing what else to do. She heard the people who had been struck hit the ground with a loud thump. As far as Jade could see there was only three people left, her and Tracy and the big man in the back. The shooter was in a mask that Jade had recognized before but couldn't put her finger on it. Suddenly she felt another jolt and she could feel the vibration of the bus under her.  The big man had slowly made his way quietly to the seat in front of Jade. He had quietly whispered
"My name is Trevor, do not be scared I am here and will protect you guys. Now we are the last people so do what ever they say and don't hesitate."
The girls nervously nodded their heads and proceeded to stay quiet. Tracey felt the bus stop and pull over.
"Guys I think we are stopping for a bit" she spoke
Footsteps filled the dead silence.

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