Getting Wet and Remus's Chocolate Milk

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Hey guys this is my first Harry Potter fanfiction, I've worked really hard on it and would love to hear your thoughts. This is set in the Marauders time, with an original character added because I really enjoy reading those stories. Her name is Scarletta and you can find out everything about her throughout the story. I'll try to update often as possible, as I'm on break at the moment so I should be able to be reasonably consistent with uploading new chapters for you to read. The first chapter is on their first day of Hogwarts, but Chapter Two starts in 5th year and the rest of the chapters will follow that timeline. I'll probably only stick to Scarletta's POV but if it changes to another character it'll say at the top of the chapter. Hope you guys enjoy it. Don't forget to leave your thoughts.

~1st of September 1971~ Platform 9¾~ Scarletta Adler POV~

Anxiety and excitement course through my veins as I gaze up at the scarlet red steam engine. This is it, my ticket out for 10 months of the year, every year for the next 7 years. It could either become an extension of my current restrictions, or a chance for freedom. I turn away from the train to look at my parents so we can say our farewells till Christmas. My mother runs her hand across my head to smooth my perfectly straight hair. "I'll miss you Scarletta," she smiles softly as she speaks, "Don't forget to write often, I know you'll make us proud, our little Slytherin." She halts her hand's movement and leans down to kiss me on the forehead; I smile up at her as expected of me, before turning to face my father. He places his hand on my shoulder, digging his nails in as he squeezes it firmly; the sharp pain doesn't even faze me anymore, I just hope that he didn't draw blood and it would only bruise.
"Make us proud Princess." He says sternly. I force a smile once more at my parents before turning away and walking towards my potential freedom.

I slide open the compartment door, "Do you mind?" I ask gesturing to the obviously free space in the compartment. I step inside and sit down pulling my feet up onto the seat with me before either could answer, I only asked out of politeness I was sitting here regardless. The two boys both turn to look at me and I get an actual look of whose compartment I sat in. Notorious Sirius Black's stunning grey eyes glare at me with a fierce hatred, while the other boy who I didn't know looked perplexed at Sirius's aversion to my presence. "Adler. Go find somewhere else to sit. I don't need your slimy snakeness following me around." I sigh internally, why do family names have to bring such a reputation with them.
"No. I'm sitting here thanks Sirius. Also it would be much appreciated that you didn't associate me with that Slytherin snake den. I don't actually buy into that blood purity shit that both our families preach." I smile and look to the other boy who had wild untamable black hair, he looked as if he was struck by lightning with how his hair stuck out in every direction. I raise my eyebrow at him, "Scarletta Adler, and you are?"
"James Potter and I understand you already know Sirius here," he grins and pulls out a pack of exploding snap out of his pocket and begins shuffling the cards. I nod and turn to look at Sirius again who looks deep in thought.
"So are we good Sirius? Or do I need to further prove my anti blood supremacist views?" He shakes his head and grins at me,
"Nah you seem alright, it'll be fun not being the only blood-traitor of our generation. Deal us both in James."

After playing exploding snap for a good hour, the compartment door slides open, the three of us look confused at the redheaded girl and greasy hair boy standing in the doorway. "Can we sit here please; we were just kicked out of our old compartment?" The girls voice is soft obviously expecting to be rejected. We all nod and they sit down in the vacant spaces beside James the Evans girl introducing them both. With the two additions to our carriage the air becomes awkward and tense. "Sooooooooo..." I drag the word out while drumming my fingers on my leg.
"What house do you think you'll be in? I'll be in Gryffindor where dwell the brave at heart! Like my dad." James puffs his chest out proudly and pretends to hold a sword in the air. I smirk and shake my head at his antics. Snape however snorts at James's statement; I raise my eyebrows at him in surprise. "You got a problem with that Snape?" I say sharply.
"No if you'd rather be brawny instead of brainy,"
"Where are you hoping to go seeing as you're neither" Sirius retorted. God forget any of us three liking this Snape guy. Evans stands up glaring at the three of us and pulls Snape with her, "We're leaving" she states opening the door. "See ya Evans and you too Snivellus" James calls out to them a grin on his face. Sirius and I laugh as the two hurry away. "I love the name for the grease ball." I get out between laughs while Sirius reaches over and claps James on the shoulder, "Quality stuff mate." All of us grinning we continue our games of exploding snap and make idle conversation about Quidditch, pranking and Hogwarts. All talk of families was avoided by an unspoken agreement.

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